
Mobile networks

Mobile data: Use to allow packet switching data networks for network services.

Data roaming: Set the device to use data connections when you are roaming.

Access Point Names: Set up access point names (APNs).

Network mode: Select a network type.

Network operators: Search for available networks and select a network for roaming.

Tethering and Mobile hotspot

Mobile hotspot: Use the portable Wi-Fi hotspot to share the device’s mobile network connection with computers or other devices through the Wi-Fi network.

USB tethering: Use USB tethering to share the device’s mobile network connection with a computer via USB. When connected to a computer, the device is used as a wireless modem for the computer.

Bluetooth tethering: Use Bluetooth tethering to share the device’s mobile network connection with computers or other devices via Bluetooth.

Help: Learn more about USB, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth tethering.


Set up and connect to virtual private networks (VPNs).

Nearby devices

DEVICE NAME: View the device name.

Content to share: Set the device to share your content with other devices.

Allowed devices: View the list of devices that can access your device.

Denied devices: View the list of devices that are blocked from accessing your device.

Download to: Select a memory location for saving media files.

Download from other devices: Set the device to accept uploads from other devices.