Do not use carrying cases or accessories with magnetic closures or allow your device to come in contact with magnetic fields for extended periods of time.

Do not store your device near or in heaters, microwaves, hot cooking equipment, or high pressure containers

The battery may leak.

Your device may overheat and cause a fire.

Do not drop your device or cause impacts to your device

The screen of your device may be damaged.

If bent or deformed, your device may be damaged or parts may malfunction.

Do not use a flash close to the eyes of people or animals

Using a flash close to the eyes may cause temporary loss of vision or damage to the eyes.

Ensure maximum battery and charger life

Avoid charging batteries for more than a week, as overcharging may shorten battery life.

Over time, unused batteries will discharge and must be recharged before use.

Disconnect chargers from power sources when not in use.

Use batteries only for their intended purposes.