
Playing videos

Video files show the icon on the preview. Select a video to watch it and tap .

Editing images

When viewing an image, tap and use the following functions:

Delete: Delete the image.

Face tag: Register the faces in the image as face tags.

Copy to clipboard: Copy to clipboard.

Rotate left: Rotate anticlockwise.

Rotate right: Rotate clockwise.

Crop: Resize the orange frame to crop and save the image in it.

Set as: Set the image as a wallpaper or a contact image.

Buddy photo share: Send the image to a person whose face is tagged in the image.

Print: Print via a USB or Wi-Fi connection. The device is only compatible with some Samsung printers.

Rename: Rename the file.

Details: View image details.

Deleting images

Use one of the following methods:

In a folder, tap Select item, select images, and then tap Delete.

When viewing an image, tap Delete.

Sharing images

Use one of the following methods:

In a folder, tap Select item, select images, and then tap to send them to others.

When viewing an image, tap to send it to others or share it via social network services.