-- Show tips: Set the device to automatically display tips for your actions when available.

-- Auto-spacing: Set the device to automatically insert a space between words.

-- Auto-capitalization: Set the device to automatically capitalise the first letter after a final punctuation mark, such as a full stop, question mark, or exclamation mark.

-- Show complete trace: Set to display the trace of your dragging on the keyboard.

-- Word suggestion: Set the device to display suggestions while you are entering text. This feature is available only for English.

-- Speed vs. accuracy: Set the balance for the speed and accuracy.

--Reset Swype’s dictionary: Delete the words you have added to the dictionary.

-- Version: View version information.

Language Options: Select languages for text input.

››Samsung Chinese IME

Input Mode: Select the default input method, such as the QWERTY keyboard, traditional keypad, or handwriting screen.

Space key to input association: Set the device to automatically insert a highlighted word by using the space key.

English Prediction: Set the device to predict English words according to your input and display word suggestions.

Input Language: Select languages for text input.

Fuzzy Pinyin Input: Select Fuzzy pinyin pairs so that you can easily enter Chinese characters that are similar in phonetic spelling.



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Samsung GT-S7500 user manual ››Samsung Chinese IME