M40S 22
5) Failure status and repairingFailure state State Method Remarks
Jumper pin
-LED off after
ready when drive
is connected.(Not
execute burn-in )
-Check the location of jumper pin and
execute to change.
(The location of jumper pin is always
in "-C/D".)
●●DXX:All sorts of jumper
●●DCF:Size operation pin
●●DSP:Master/slave operation
●●-C/D:Master/slave operation
Not down load -Led off after
ready when drive
is connected.(Not
execute burn-in)
-Order"Can't~" is
occurred during
progressing down
load(ALT-I)in LEO
-Don't execute down load
:execute again.
-Order"Can't~" is occurred during
re-progressing in down load
state,check the drive burn-in state.
-Read cyl:1, head:0, sec:5 on
Maintenance/cylinder and check the
burn-in program write state.Be sure
to be in
"Burn-in Flow" state if dump.
1.INIT 0 2.SETC 1 3.SETH 0
4.SETS 5 5.PHRD 1 6.DUMP
- Write location according to
test result
Read Program
1.INIT 0 2.RTRK 3.ADDH 1
4.JLUP 2
read Failure
-Can't read burn-in
program so
perceive as not
down loaded state.
-Error is occurred in reading
maintenance/cylinder or no error is
occurred in writing&formatting
maintenance/cylinder,progress pre-test
again or down load then execute
Burn -in.
-If failure is occurred in entire head
during writing or formatting ,check out
after changing PCBA.
-If defect is occurred, catch hold of
failure symptom and failure degree
then progress operation,execute servo
write change disk.
(process in head office.)
-Check the error state by
reading CYL:1 HEAD:0 SEC:5 in
-Execute one more heads during
only.(Failure can't duplicate if
check the same head )
LED failure -Drive is ready
regularly but only
led can't run.
-Due to led specific & imperfect
soldering - change PCBA then repair.
PCBA failure -NO power state -Execute again after changing PCBA.
Power cable
failure in
burn-in rack
-Off condition if
power cable is
connected to drive.
-Short occur when it is connected
drive to power cable, then come to
off so unplug power cable and
reconnect in 30 second.