M40S 34
Overhead Time to perform the real order for controller, host adaptor and drive. The faster overhead is,
the faster performing time.
Overwrite Recorded data erased by overlapping the existing data.
Zone = Landing Zone
Partition When we use one HDD for multi ones dividing section logically, every memory section is
partition, For example, 2.5GB HDD can be used for one 2.1GB computer and one 400MB.
PCBA Printed Circuit Board Assembly. Kind of IC and Chips are Soldered on board and make run
HDA, PCBA is a half-finished goods.
PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card International Association.
Pentium 586 Microprocessor to apply IBM type developed by Intel
Pro(P6,686) Pentium's next CPU. 5.5 billion transistor integrated. There are 150, 166, 180, 200MHz.
Peripheral Additional device except basic CPU. There are Disk Drive, Tape Drive, CD-ROM.
PIO Programmed Input/Output.
Bearing Roll bearing is fixed on the rotating center of ARM.
Disk is covered with hard metal alloy rather than disk Iron-oxide compound.
The more data could be stored.
Platter Metal disk record data within HDD
POH Power On Hour, used for MTBF.
Power PC RISC type CPU is developed by IBM, Apple and Motorola commonly.
PQT Pre-qualification test
Partial Response Maximum Likelihood, this is a read/write method to improve recordi density and
data transferring rate. This method enable to improve capacity as 30% more than the existing
data transferring by using Peak Detection.
PVT Production verification test
QMS Quality management system. Overall quality management system
Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks. To protect a sudden data damage, connect HDD in
parallel and diverge data , that is high speed back-up device enable to improve data
preservation and low speed access for tape the problem of the current back-up device.
RAM Random access Memory. Semiconductor memory enable to input and search,we have DRAM
and SRAM.
Read cache
Look-ahead method is not only reading data requested from host but also reading- ahead
continuous data to buffer sequentially, We improve data transferring speed because we don't
need to read again in time host request information pre-read by applying for file's sequential
saving method.
Order of reading all data from HDD, read sector occur interrupt per every sector transferring,
read multiple occur interrupt per designated sector number by set multiple order. Also read DMA
occur interrupt only one time after transferring data from host request. For example, 4 is chosen
by set multiple and host need 10 sectors then the below picture draw how to occur Interrupt.
ble Err
Similar to Soft Hard err. Recoverable err means it is possible to read normally though data was
read wrong, unrecoverable err means it is impossible to recover error by any means.
Correctable err is belong to Recoverable err, this is recovered by software ECC.