Vrsta i karakteristike diska

Ovaj proizvod ne podržava Secure (DRM) Media datoteke.

CD-R diskovi

~Neki CD-R diskovi možda se neće moći reproducirati ovisno o uređaju za snimanje diska (CD-snimač ili računalo) i stanju diska.

~Koristite 650 MB/74-minutni CD-R disk.

Nemojte koristiti CD-R diskove preko 700 MB/80 minuta jer se oni možda neće moći reproducirati.

~Neki CD-RW (Rewritable) mediji možda se neće moći reproducirati.

~Samo CD-R-ovi koji su pravilno "zatvoreni" mogu se u potpunosti reproducirati. Ako je sesija zatvorena, ali je disk ostao otvoren možda nećete moći u cijelosti reproducirati disk.

CD-R MP3 diskovi

~Mogu se reproducirati samo CD-R diskovi s MP3 datotekama u ISO 9660 ili Joliet formatu.

~Nazivi MP3 datoteka trebaju imati 8 znakova ili manje te ne smiju uključivati prazna mjesta ili posebne znakove (. / = +).

~Koristite diskove snimljene pri brzini kompresije/dekompresije podataka većoj od 128 Kb/s.

~Mogu se reproducirati samo datoteke s ekstenzijama ".mp3" i ".MP3".

~Može se reproducirati samo neprekinuto snimljen višesesijski disk. Ako na višesesijskom disku postoji prazan segment, disk se može reproducirati samo do praznog segmenta.

~Ako disk nije zatvoren bit će potrebno više vremena za početak reprodukcije, a možda se ne budu mogle reproducirati sve snimljene datoteke.

~Za datoteke šifirane u formatu promjenjive brzine prijenosa podataka (VBR), tj. datotekama šifriranim i u maloj i velikoj brzini prijenosa podataka (npr. 32 Kb/s ~ 320 Kb/s), reprodukcija može biti isprekidana.

~Najviše se 500 staza može reproducirati po CD-u.

~Najviše 300 mapa može se reproducirati po CD-u.

CD-R JPEG diskovi

~Mogu se reproducirati samo datoteke s "jpg" ekstenzijama.

~Ako disk nije zatvoren, bit će potrebno više vremena za početak reprodukcije, a možda se i ne budu mogle reproducirati sve snimljene datoteke.

~Mogu se reproducirati samo CD-R diskovi s JPEG datotekama u ISO 9660 ili Joliet formatu.

~Imena JPEG datoteka trebaju imati 8 znakova ili manje te ne uključivati prazan prostor ili specijalne znakove (. / = +).

~Može se reproducirati samo neprekinuto snimljen višesesijski disk. Ako na višesesijskom disku postoji prazan segment, disk se može reproducirati samo do praznog segmenta.

~Na pojedinačan CD može se pohraniti najviše 9.999 slika.

~Pri reprodukciji Kodak/Fuji Picture CD-a, mogu se reproducirati samo JPEG datoteke u mapi sa slikama.

~Diskovi sa slikama koji nisu Kodak/Fuji Picture CD-i možda će trebati više vremena da počnu s reprodukcijom ili se možda uopće neće reproducirati.

DVD±R/RW, CD-R/RW DivX diskovi

~Obzirom da ovaj proizvod pruža samo formate za šifriranje koje odobrava DivX Networks, Inc., DivX datoteka koju je kreirao korisnik možda se neće moći reproducirati.

~Ažuriranja softvera za nekompatibilne formate nisu podržana. (Primjer: QPEL, GMC, razlučivost veća od 800 x 600 piksela, itd.)

~Dijelovi s većom brzinom okvira možda se neće reproducirati tijekom reprodukcije DivX datoteke.

~Za više informacija o odobrenim formatima tvrtke DivX Networks, Inc. molimo, posjetite "www.divxnetworks.net".


● početak

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Samsung HT-X710T/EDC manual Vrsta i karakteristike diska, Ovaj proizvod ne podržava Secure DRM Media datoteke, Početak

HT-X710T/EDC specifications

The Samsung HT-X710T/EDC and HT-X710T/XET are advanced home theater systems that bring the cinema experience into your living room. Known for their impressive audio quality and sleek design, these models embody Samsung's dedication to delivering immersive entertainment solutions.

One of the standout features of the HT-X710T is its powerful 5.1 channel surround sound system, which delivers robust audio performance. It comprises an innovative subwoofer and five satellite speakers that work together to produce rich soundscapes, allowing users to enjoy movies, music, and games in a truly immersive manner. This multi-channel setup allows for dynamic audio positioning, enhancing the overall cinematic experience.

The HT-X710T models also boast Samsung's proprietary Dolby Digital technology, which ensures high-definition sound reproduction. This technology enables users to experience multi-dimensional audio that envelops them in a surround sound environment, making every scene incredibly detailed and realistic. This level of audio fidelity is perfect for action movies, concerts, and gaming, ensuring that every explosive sound and subtle musical note is heard with clarity.

In addition to sound quality, convenience is a crucial aspect of the Samsung HT-X710T series. The system features compatibility with various media formats, including DVDs and CDs, making it a versatile choice for home entertainment. Users can also enjoy multimedia playback through USB connectivity, allowing them to easily access and play their favorite movies and music directly from external devices.

Samsung's commitment to aesthetics is evident in the sleek design of the HT-X710T. Its modern and streamlined look fits seamlessly into any home décor, making it a stylish addition to your entertainment setup. Furthermore, the compact nature of the system helps save space while still providing powerful sound performance.

For those who appreciate connectivity, the HT-X710T models come equipped with HDMI outputs, allowing easy integration with modern televisions and other devices. This intuitive connectivity ensures high-quality video and audio transfer, optimizing the viewing experience without the hassle of cables.

In conclusion, the Samsung HT-X710T/EDC and HT-X710T/XET home theater systems encapsulate powerful audio performance, advanced technological features, and sleek design—making them ideal choices for anyone looking to elevate their home entertainment experience. Whether you're watching a movie, listening to music, or gaming, these systems promise to deliver quality sound and style.