Moguće je da će u budućnosti tvrtka Samsung ponuditi ažuriranja softvera sustava Soundbar.

Automatsko ažuriranje

Funkcija automatskog ažuriranja omogućena je na uređaju Soundbar po zadanim postavkama. Automatska ažuriranja firmvera pretražuju se i provode ako je Soundbar spojen s internetom, bez obzira na to je li uključen.

cDa biste upotrijebili funkciju automatskog ažuriranja Soundbar mora biti spojen na internet. Wi-Fi veza s uređajem Soundbar raskinut će se ako se strujni kabel odspoji ili se napajanje isključi. Ako je napajanje prekinuto, uključite Soundbar i ponovo ga spojite.

Ažuriranje pomoću USB-a


U tom slučaju možete ažurirati ugrađeni program sustava tako da spojite USB pogon s pohranjenom nadogradnjom ugrađenog programa na USB priključak sustava Soundbar.

Više informacija o tome kako preuzeti datoteke ažuriranja pronađite na web-mjestu Samsung Electronics na stranici (samsung.com/sec) potražite naziv modela preuzmite firmver u opciji izbornika za korisničku podršku. Naziv opcije može se razlikovati.



Mjere predostrožnosti prilikom ugradnje

Postavite isključivo na okomiti zid.

Nemojte postaviti sustav Soundbar na mjestu s visokom temperaturom i/ili velikom vlagom. Postavite sustav na čvrsti zid koji može podnijeti težinu glavne jedinice Soundbar.

Provjerite nosivost zida. Kako biste sustav Soundbar postavili na zid koji ne može podnijeti težinu glavne jedinice Soundbar , prije postavljanja učvrstite zid. Ako to nije moguće, postavite sustav na drugi zid, dovoljno čvrst za podnošenje težine glavne jedinice Soundbar.

Kupite i uporabite vijke za pričvršćivanje ili sidra prikladna za vrstu zida koju imate (gipsana ploča, armirana ploča, drvo itd.). Ako je moguće, potporne vijke pričvrstite u potpornje zida.

Kupite vijke za pričvršćivanje na zid ovisno o vrsti i debljini zida na koji ćete montirati Soundbar.

Promjer: M5

Dužina: preporučuje se L 35 mm ili duža

Kabele jedinice spojite na vanjske uređaje prije nego što je postavite na zid.

Obavezno isključite jedinicu i odspojite je iz struje prije ugradnje. U protivnom bi moglo doći do udara električne struje.

· 14 · Hrvatski

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Samsung HW-J7501R/EN manual Ažuriranje Softvera, Montaža Zidnog Nosača, Automatsko ažuriranje, Ažuriranje pomoću USB-a

HW-J7501R/EN, HW-J7500R/XN, HW-J7500R/EN specifications

The Samsung HW-J7500R/EN, HW-J7500R/XN, and HW-J7501R/EN are part of Samsung's premium soundbar lineup, delivering an immersive audio experience to complement any home entertainment setup. With their sleek, curved design, these soundbars are not only functional but also enhance the aesthetic appeal of modern living rooms.

One of the standout features of the HW-J7500 models is their 9.1 channel system, providing multiple audio channels for a spacious soundstage. This setup creates a surround sound experience without the need for additional speakers, making it an excellent choice for people looking to streamline their audio installations. The soundbars utilize Samsung's proprietary Acoustic Beam technology, which actively directs sound to create a more realistic auditory environment. This feature helps to immerse viewers into the action, making movie-watching, gaming, or music listening a truly engaging experience.

In terms of connectivity, the HW-J7500 series is well-equipped. Equipped with multiple HDMI inputs, users can easily connect their devices, such as Blu-ray players, gaming consoles, and set-top boxes. The soundbars also feature Bluetooth compatibility, allowing for seamless streaming from smartphones and tablets. Additionally, built-in Wi-Fi support enables functionality with various streaming services, giving users access to their favorite content without needing to switch devices.

The built-in subwoofer in the HW-J7500 models ensures deep, rich bass that enhances music tracks, sound effects, and dialogue clarity in films. With Samsung's Smart Sound technology, the soundbar automatically analyzes the audio content and optimizes sound quality accordingly, ensuring a refined experience, whether it's an action-packed movie or a soft-spoken dialogue.

Furthermore, these soundbars come with a user-friendly remote control and are compatible with Samsung’s OneRemote, allowing users to control both the soundbar and compatible Samsung devices with a single remote. This enhances convenience and minimizes clutter in the entertainment area.

In summary, the Samsung HW-J7500R/EN, HW-J7500R/XN, and HW-J7501R/EN soundbars combine stylish design with advanced audio technologies to deliver an outstanding home theater experience. With their multi-channel capabilities, innovative sound technologies, and comprehensive connectivity options, they are an excellent investment for any audio enthusiast looking to elevate their home entertainment system.