Samsung LF22NSBTBN/EN, LF19NSBTBN/EN, LF24NSBTBN/EN manual Rukovanje


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Prije upotrebe proizvoda

Pažljivo spustite uređaj.

z Uređaj bi mogao pasti i potrgati se ili prouzročiti tjelesne ozljede.




Postavljanje uređaja na nekom neuobičajenom mjestu (na mjestu izloženom mnoštvu sitnih čestica, kemijskim tvarima ili ekstremnim temperaturama, ili pak u zračnoj luci ili na željezničkom kolodvoru, gdje bi uređaj dulje vrijeme bez prekida funkcionirao) znatno utječe na njegove performanse.

zAko uređaj želite postaviti na takvo mjesto, prije postavljanja obavezno se obratite Samsungovu centru za pomoć korisnicima (stranica 114).





Uređaj je pod visokim naponom. Nemojte pokušavati sami rastaviti, popraviti ili izmijeniti uređaj.

zTo može dovesti do električnog udara ili požara.

zRadi popravka obratite se Samsungovu centru za pomoć korisnicima (stranica 114).

Prije premještanja isključite proizvod te kabel za napajanje i sve ostale priključene kabele.

zU suprotnom bi se kabel za napajanje mogao oštetiti i moglo bi doći do požara ili električnog udara.

Ako iz uređaja dopiru neobični zvukovi, miris paljevine ili dim, odmah isključite kabel za napajanje i obratite se Samsungovu centru za pomoć korisnicima (stranica 114).

zTo može dovesti do električnog udara ili požara.

Nemojte dopuštati djeci da se penju na proizvod ili se vješaju o njega.

zUređaj bi mogao pasti i djeca bi se mogla teško ozlijediti.

Ako uređaj padne ili se ošteti vanjska površina, isključite ga, uklonite kabel za napajanje i obratite se Samsungovu centru za pomoć korisnicima (stranica 114).

zU suprotnom bi moglo doći do električnog udara ili požara.

Prije upotrebe proizvoda








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Samsung LF22NSBTBN/EN, LF19NSBTBN/EN, LF24NSBTBN/EN manual Rukovanje


The Samsung LF22NSBTBN/EN, LF24NSBTBN/EN, and LF19NSBTBN/EN are part of Samsung's innovative line of smart refrigerators. These models are designed to address modern kitchen needs while boasting advanced technology, impressive energy efficiency, and user-friendly features that enhance the overall food storage experience.

One of the standout features of these refrigerators is their digital inverter technology, which ensures optimal energy efficiency and minimal noise. The inverter compressor adjusts its speed according to the cooling demand, ensuring that the refrigerator operates quietly while consuming less power. This technology helps users save on electricity bills and contributes to environmental sustainability.

Another key feature is the SpaceMax Technology, which enhances the internal storage capacity without increasing the fridge's overall dimensions. This allows for more efficient organization and storage of groceries, making it easier to keep items fresh and accessible. The units also come equipped with adjustable shelves and door bins, providing flexibility for users to customize their storage solutions according to their needs.

The LF22NSBTBN/EN, LF24NSBTBN/EN, and LF19NSBTBN/EN models are also designed with the user in mind when it comes to food preservation. They incorporate a multi-flow cooling system that ensures even distribution of cold air throughout the refrigerator, minimizing temperature fluctuations and extending the freshness of stored food.

Furthermore, these refrigerators feature a sleek and modern design, fitting seamlessly into contemporary kitchen aesthetics. The easy-to-clean exterior and interior materials ensure that maintenance is simple and hassle-free, while the stylish finish adds a touch of elegance to any home.

In addition to functionality, Samsung places emphasis on smart technology integration in these models. Some variations offer Wi-Fi connectivity, allowing users to monitor and control their refrigerator remotely through a smartphone app. This feature enhances convenience, as users can receive alerts about temperature changes or track food freshness from anywhere.

Overall, the Samsung LF22NSBTBN/EN, LF24NSBTBN/EN, and LF19NSBTBN/EN refrigerators exemplify a perfect blend of modern technology, efficiency, and design. With their innovative features and adaptive solutions for storage, these models can significantly enhance any kitchen's functionality, making them a great investment for any consumer looking for reliable and stylish refrigeration options.