Samsung LH40EDCPLBC/EN, LH32EDCPLBC/EN, LH65EDCPLBC/EN Using Serial MDC, Licence, Specifications


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Connecting and Using a PC

Connecting the Power





The screen keeps switching on and off.

Check the cable connection between the product and PC, and ensure the connection is secure.

"No Cable Connected" is displayed on the screen.

Check that the product is connected correctly with a cable.

Check that the device connected to the product is powered on.

"Not Optimum Mode" is displayed.

This message is displayed when a signal from the graphics card exceeds the product's maximum resolution and frequency.

Refer to the Standard Signal Mode Table and set the maximum resolution and frequency according to the product specifications.


Lo schermo si accende e si spegne.

Controllare la connessione del cavo tra il prodotto e il PC e verificare che il collegamento sia sicuro.

Sullo schermo viene visualizzato il messaggio "Nessun cavo connesso".

Verificare che il prodotto sia collegato correttamente mediante cavo.

Verificare che il dispositivo collegato al prodotto sia acceso.

"Mod non ottimale" viene visualizzato a schermo.

Questo messaggio viene visualizzato quando il segnale proveniente dalla scheda grafica supera la risoluzione e la frequenza massima del prodotto.

Vedere la Tabella delle modalità standard del segnale e impostare la frequenza e la risoluzione massima in base alle specifiche del prodotto.


Skärmen håller på att slås på och av.

Kontrollera kabelanslutningen mellan produkten och datorn och se till att anslutningen är säker.

"Ingen kabel är ansluten" visas på skärmen.

Kontrollera att produkten är korrekt ansluten med en kabel. Kontrollera att enheten som är ansluten till produkten som är påslagen.

Meddelandet "Ej optimalt läge" visas.

Meddelandet visas när en signal från grafikkortet överskrider produktens maximala upplösning och frekvens.

Se tabellen för standardsignalläge och ställ in maximal frekvens enligt produktspecifikationerna.

Using Serial MDC


L'écran s'allume et s'éteint continuellement.

Vérifiez que le câble est connecté correctement entre l'appareil et l'ordinateur.

"Aucun câble connecté" s'affiche à l'écran.

Vérifiez que l'appareil est connecté correctement à l'aide d'un câble. Assurez-vous que le périphérique connecté à l'appareil est sous tension.

"Mode non optimal" est affiché.

Ce message s'affiche lorsqu'un signal émis par la carte graphique est supérieur à la fréquence et la résolution maximales de l'appareil.

Consultez le tableau des modes de signal standard et réglez la fréquence et la résolution maximales conformément aux spécifications de l'appareil.


Ekran naprzemiennie włącza się i wyłącza.

Sprawdź połączenie między urządzeniem a komputerem i upewnij się, że zostało wykonane poprawnie.

Na ekranie pojawia się komunikat„Nie podłączono kabla”. Upewnij się, że urządzenie jest prawidłowo podłączone kablem. Sprawdź, czy urządzenie podłączone do monitora jest włączone.

Pojawia się komunikat„Niewłaściwy tryb”.

Komunikat ten pojawia się, gdy sygnał z karty graficznej przekroczy maksymalną rozdzielczość i częstotliwość urządzenia.

Patrz Tabela trybu standardowego i ustaw maksymalną rozdzielczość i częstotliwość zgodnie ze specyfikacją urządzenia.


Ekran açılıp kapanmaya devam ediyor.

Ürün ve PC arasındaki kablo bağlantısını kontrol edin ve bağlantının sağlam olduğundan emin olun.

Ekranda "Kablo Bağlı Değil" görüntüleniyor.

Ürünün bir kabloyla doğru şekilde bağlandığını kontrol edin. Cihazın bağlı olduğu ürünün açık olduğunu kontrol edin.

"Uygun Olmayan Mod" görüntüleniyor.

Bu mesaj, grafik kartından gelen bir sinyal ürünün maksimum çözünürlüğünü ve frekansını aştığında görüntülenir.

Standart Sinyal Modu Tablosu'na bakın ve ürünün teknik özelliklerine uygun olarak maksimum çözünürlüğü ve frekansı ayarlayın.



Server PC /

Serveur PC


Der Bildschirm wird ständig ein- und ausgeschaltet.

Überprüfen Sie die Kabelverbindung zwischen dem Gerät und dem PC.

Die Meldung „Keine Kabelverbindung“ wird auf dem Bildschirm angezeigt.

Überprüfen Sie, ob das Gerät korrekt über ein Kabel angeschlossen ist. Überprüfen Sie, ob das angeschlossene Gerät eingeschaltet ist.

Die Meldung „ungeeign. Modus“ wird angezeigt.

Diese Meldung wird angezeigt, wenn ein Signal von der Grafikkarte die maximale Aulösung und Frequenz des Geräts überschreitet.

Schlagen Sie in der Tabelle der Standardsignalmodi nach und stellen Sie die maximale Auflösung und Frequenz gemäß den technischen Daten des Geräts ein.


O ecrã está continuamente a ligar e a desligar.

Verifique a ligação do cabo entre o produto e o PC, e certifique-se de que a ligação está bem efectuada.

A mensagem "Nenhum Cabo Ligado" é apresentada no ecrã. Verifique se o produto está ligado correctamente com um cabo. Verifique se o dispositivo ligado ao produto está ligado.

A mensagem "Modo inadequado" é apresentada.

Esta mensagem é apresentada quando um sinal da placa gráfica ultrapassa a resolução e a frequência máximas do produto.

Consulte a Tabela do modo de sinal padrão e defina a resolução e a frequência máximas de acordo com as especificações do produto.




A képernyő felváltva be- és kikapcsol.

Ellenőrizze a készülék és a számítógép közötti kábeles kapcsolatot, és győződjön meg arról, hogy a csatlakoztatás stabil.

A „No Cable Connected” üzenet látható a képernyőn.

Győződjön meg arról, hogy a készülék megfelelően van csatlakoztatva a kábellel. Ellenőrizze, hogy be van-e kapcsolva a kijelzőhöz csatlakoztatott eszköz.

Megjelenik a „Not Optimum Mode” üzenet.

Ez az üzenet akkor jelenik meg, ha a videokártyától érkező jel felbontása és frekvenciája meghaladja a készülék maximális felbontását vagy frekvenciáját.

A Szabványos jelmód táblázat alapján állítsa be a készülék műszaki jellemzőinek megfelelően a maximális felbontást és frekvenciát.


La pantalla se enciende y se apaga continuamente.

Compruebe la conexión del cable entre el producto y el PC, asegúrese de que la conexión sea firme.

"Cable no conectado" se muestra en la pantalla.

Compruebe que el producto esté conectado correctamente con un cable. Compruebe que el dispositivo conectado al producto esté encendido.

Se muestra"Modo no óptimo".

Este mensaje se muestra cuando una señal de la tarjeta gráfica supera la frecuencia y la resolución máxima del producto.

Consulte la Tabla de los modos de señal estándar y configure la frecuencia y la resolución máximas en función de las especificaciones del producto.


Manufactured under licence from Dolby Laboratories. Dolby and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.

Fabriqué sous licence de Dolby Laboratories. Dolby et le symbole double-D sont des marques commerciales de Dolby Laboratories.

Hergestellt unter Lizenz von Dolby Laboratories. Dolby und das Doppel-D-Symbol sind Marken von Dolby Laboratories.

Gyártva a Dolby Laboratories licensze alapján. A Dolby és a kettős D szimbólum a Dolby

Laboratories védjegye.

Prodotto su licenza di Dolby Laboratories. Dolby e il simbolo di doppia D sono marchi registrati di Dolby Laboratories.

Wyprodukowano na licencji firmy Dolby Laboratories. Dolby oraz symbol przedstawiający dwie litery D to znaki towarowe firmy Dolby Laboratories.

Fabricado ao abrigo da licença da Dolby Laboratories. Dolby e o símbolo de D duplo são marcas comerciais da Dolby Laboratories.

Fabricado con licencia de Dolby Laboratories. Dolby y el símbolo de las dos "D" son marcas comerciales de Dolby Laboratories.

Tillverkad under licens från Dolby Laboratories. Dolby och den dubbla D-symbolen är varumärken som tillhör Dolby Laboratories.

Dolby Laboratories'den alınan lisans kapsamında üretilmiştir. Dolby ve double-D simgesi Dolby

Laboratories'in tescilli markalarıdır.


Manufactured under a license from U.S. Patent No’s: 5,956,674, 5,974,380, 5,978,762, 6,487,535,

6,226,616, 7,212,872, 7,003,467, 7,272,567, 7,668,723, 7,392,195, 7,930,184, 7,333,929 and 7,548,853.


DTS, the Symbol, and DTS and the Symbol together are registered trademarks & DTS Premium


Sound 5.1 is a trademark of DTS, Inc. 2012 DTS, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The terms HDMI and HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, and the HDMI Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC in the United States and other countries.

DivX Certified to play DivX video up to HD 1080p, including premium content.

DivX, DivX Certifiedand associated logos are trademarks of DivX, Inc. and are used under licence.

ABOUT DIVX VIDEO: DivXis a digital video format created by DivX, Inc. This is an official DivX Certifieddevice that plays DivX video. Visit for more information and software tools to convert your files into DivX video.

ABOUT DIVX VIDEO-ON-DEMAND: This DivX Certifieddevice must be registered in order to play purchased DivX Video-on- Demand (VOD) movies. To obtain your registration code, locate the DivX VOD section in your device setup menu. Go to vod. for more information on how to complete your registration.

Covered by one or more of the following U.S. patents: 7,295,673; 7,460,668; 7,515,710; 7,519,274

Open source licence notice

In the case of using open source software, Open Source licence are available on the product menu. Open Source Licence Notice is written only English.

Avis concernant les Licences libres

En cas d'utilisation d'un logiciel open source, des Open Source Licences (Licences libres) sont disponibles dans le menu du produit. L'avis concernant les Open Source Licence (Licences libres) est uniquement disponible en anglais.

Hinweis zur Open Source-Lizenz

Bei Verwendung einer Open Source-Software, können die Open Source-Lizenzen über das Gerätemenü bezogen werden.Der Open Source-Lizenzhinweis ist in englischer Sprache gehalten.

Nyílt forráskódú licenc

Nyílt forráskódú szoftverek használata esetén a Nyílt forráskódú licenc a termék menüjében olvasható.

A nyílt forráskódú licenc csak angol nyelven olvasható.

Avviso di licenza per il software open source

Nel caso sia stato utilizzato software open source, le Licenze Open Source sono disponibili sul menu del prodotto.

L’Avviso di licenza per il software open source è disponibile solo in lingua inglese.

Informacja o licencji Open Source

W przypadku korzystania z oprogramowania open source, treść licencji open source jest dostępna poprzez menu produktu. Informacja o licencji Open Source dostępna jest wyłącznie w języku angielskim.

Aviso de licença de código aberto

Caso utilize software de código aberto (livre), as Licenças de código aberto estão disponíveis no menu do produto.

O aviso de licença de código aberto está escrito apenas em inglês.

Aviso sobre licencias de código abierto

En caso de utilizar software de código abierto, existirá una opción correspondiente a las licencias de código abierto en el menú del producto.

El aviso sobre licencias de código abierto aparecerá únicamente en inglés.

Licensmeddelande för Open Source

Vid användning av programvara för open source är licenser för Open Source är tillgängliga på produktmenyn.

Licensmeddelandet gällande Open Source finns endast på engelska.

Açık Kaynak Lisans Bildirimi

Açık kaynak yazılımı kullanılması durumunda, Açık Kaynak Lisansları ürün menüsünde mevcuttur.

Açık Kaynak Lisans Bildirimi yalnızca İngilizce yazılmıştır.


Model Name














31.5 inches / 80 cm

40 inches / 101 cm

46 inches / 116 cm

55 inches / 138 cm








Display area

697.6845 mm (H) x 392.256 mm (V)

885.6 mm (H) x 498.15 mm (V)

1018.08 mm (H) x 572.67 mm (V)

1209.6 mm (H) x 680.4 mm (V)



27.5 inches (H) x 15.4 inches (V)

34.9 inches (H) x 19.6 inches (V)

40.1 inches (H) x 22.5 inches (V)

47.6 inches (H) x 26.8 inches (V)







Dimensions (W x H x D)


736.0 x 434.5 x 93.7 mm

925.4 x 541.0 x 93.6 mm

1057.7 x 615.8 x 94.8 mm

1247.7 x 722.9 x 94.8 mm



29.0 x 17.1 x 3.7 inches

36.4 x 21.3 x 3.7 inches

41.6 x 24.2 x 3.7 inches

49.1 x 28.5 x 3.7 inches







Weight (Without Stand)


6.0 kg / 13.2 lbs

11.4 kg / 25.1 lbs

11.9 kg / 26.2 lbs

18.3 kg / 40.3 lbs









200 x 200 mm / 7.9 x 7.9 inches


400 x 400 mm / 15.7 x 15.7 inches







Display Colour


8bit , 16.7M (ED32C) 10bit(Dithering), 1.07B(ED40C, ED46C, ED55C)










Horizontal Frequency

30 ~ 81 kHz











Vertical Frequency

46 ~ 75 Hz











Optimum Resolution

1920x1080@60Hz, 1366x768@60Hz(ED32C Only)











Maximum Resolution











Maximum Pixel Clock


148.5MHz (Analogue,Digital)








Power Supply


This product uses 100 to 240V. Refer to the label at the back of the product as the standard voltage can vary in different countries.







Signal connectors


PC D-Sub, HDMI, Audio In, RS232C In, USB(Service Only)











Audio Out, RS232C Out











Temperature : 50˚F ~ 104˚F (10˚C ~ 40˚C) / Humidity : 10 % ~ 80 %, non-condensing










Temperature : -4˚F ~ 113˚F (-20˚C ~ 45˚C) / Humidity : 5 % ~ 95 %, non-condensing














70 Watts

100 Watts

110 Watts

150 Watts









47 Watts

76 Watts

88 Watts

120 Watts









77 Watts

110 Watts

121 Watts

165 Watts








Power saving mode

0.5 Watts

0.5 Watts

0.5 Watts

0.5 Watts


(SOG Signal : Not Support the DPM


















Power off

0.5 Watts

0.5 Watts

0.5 Watts

0.5 Watts








Power off (Power Swich)

0 Watts

0 Watts

0 Watts

0 Watts







- Plug-and-Play

This monitor can be installed and used with any Plug-and-Play compatible systems. Two-way data exchange between the monitor and PC system optimizes the monitor settings. Monitor installation takes place automatically. However, you can customize the installation settings if desired.

- Panel Dots (Pixels)

Due to the nature of the manufacturing of this product, approximately 1 pixel per million (1ppm) may be brighter or darker on the LCD panel. This does not affect product performance.

- This device is a Class A digital apparatus.

See the User’s Manual for further instructions for installation and adjustment. portez-vous au manuel de l’utilisateur pour obtenir des instructions supplémentaires sur l’installation et le réglage.

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Samsung LH40EDCPLBC/EN, LH32EDCPLBC/EN, LH65EDCPLBC/EN, LH46EDCPLBC/EN manual Using Serial MDC, Licence, Specifications


Samsung has consistently been a leader in display technology, and their line of digital signage displays, including the LH40EDCPLBC/EN, LH46EDCPLBC/EN, LH55EDCPLBC/EN, LH32EDCPLBC/EN, and LH65EDCPRBC/EN models, showcases their commitment to offering cutting-edge solutions for various commercial needs. These displays are specifically designed for versatility in diverse environments, making them ideal for retail, corporate, and hospitality applications.

One of the standout features of these models is their ultra-high definition (UHD) resolution, providing crystal-clear imagery that captivates audiences. With a resolution of 3840 x 2160 pixels, every detail is rendered with stunning clarity, ensuring that visual content is conveyed effectively. This high pixel density not only enhances the viewing experience but also allows for larger images to be viewed from greater distances without loss of quality.

Samsung’s proprietary Quantum Dot technology is also integrated into these displays, delivering a wider color gamut and more vibrant colors compared to traditional displays. This technology enhances the visual impact of advertisements and presentations, making them more appealing to viewers.

The displays are equipped with advanced connectivity options, including HDMI, DisplayPort, and USB ports, allowing for seamless integration with various media players and digital signage solutions. This connectivity ensures that users can easily update content and adapt to changing requirements, enhancing overall flexibility.

A key characteristic of these models is their impressive brightness levels, with some models reaching up to 700 nits. This makes them suitable for well-lit environments, ensuring content visibility even in direct sunlight. The ultra-narrow bezels enhance the aesthetic appeal, allowing for a near-seamless multi-display setup perfect for impactful video walls.

Furthermore, these displays are designed with energy efficiency in mind, supported by Samsung’s Eco Sensor technology which automatically adjusts brightness based on ambient lighting conditions. This not only reduces the overall power consumption but also extends the lifespan of the display, making them a sustainable choice for businesses.

In summary, the Samsung LH40EDCPLBC/EN, LH46EDCPLBC/EN, LH55EDCPLBC/EN, LH32EDCPLBC/EN, and LH65EDCPRBC/EN model range offers a blend of advanced technology, stunning visuals, and flexible integration options. These features make them an ideal choice for any business looking to make a lasting impression through high-quality digital signage.