
MENU mSystem Ticker ENTER E

–– The Ticker function is only available when Menu Language is set to English.

Input text while a video or image is displayed and display the text on the screen.

•• Off / On

――Message, Time, Position, Motion, and Font Style are enabled only when Ticker is set to On.

•• Message: Enter a message to display on the screen.

•• Time: Set the Start Time and End Time to display a Message.

•• Position: Select an orientation to display a Message from Horizontal and Vertical.

––Horizontal (Left / Centre / Right)

––Vertical (Top / Middle / Bottom)

•• Motion: Specify the Direction and Speed to display a Message.

––Motion (Off / On)

––Direction (To the Left / To the Right / To the Top / To the Bottom)

––Speed (Slow / Normal / Fast)

――Direction and Speed are enabled only when Motion is set to On.

•• Font Style: Specify the message Size and Font colour.

––Size / Font colour / Background colour / Font opacity / Background opacity / Reset