Drošības instrukcijas

Nelietojiet tīrīšanas līdzekli, kas satur spirtu vai šķīdi- nātājus vai satur virsmaktīvas vielas.

Pretējā gadījumā ierīces korpuss var zaudēt krāsu vai saplaisāt, vai arī var nolobīties paneļa pārklājums.

Nesmidziniet ūdeni vai mazgāšanas līdzekli tieši uz monitora.

Pretējā gadījumā šķidrums var iesūkties monitorā un izraisīt aizdegšanos, elektrošoku vai monitora darbības traucējumus.

Tīriet monitora korpusu ar mīkstu drāniņu, kas samērcēta nelielā ūdens daudzumā.

Kad esat pabeidzis tīrīšanu, pievienojiet monitoram strāvas kabeli.

Ieslēdziet monitoru un datoru.


Ja datoru neizmantosiet ilgāku laiku, iestatiet to DPM režīmā.

Ja lietojat ekrānsaudzētāju, iestatiet to aktīvā ekrāna režīmā.

Šeit redzamie attēli paredzēti tikai atsaucei un nav spēkā visos gadījumos (vai valstīs).

Īsinājumikona uz instrukcijām par izvairīšanos no attēla fiksēšanās ekrānā

Nelietojiet bojātu strāvas vadu vai kontaktdakšu, vai bojātu vai vaļīgu kontaktligzdu.

Pretējā gadījumā varat gūt elektrošoku vai izraisīt ugunsgrēku.

Atvienojot strāvas kontaktdakšu no ligzdas vai ievietojot to ligzdā, nepieskarieties tai ar slapjām rokām.

Pretējā gadījumā varat gūt elektrošoku.

Pārliecinieties, vai esat pievienojis strāvas vadu iezemētai kontakt- ligzdai.

Pretējā gadījumā varat gūt elektrošoku vai traumas.

Pārbaudiet, vai strāvas kontaktdakša ir stingri un pareizi ievietota strā- vas kontaktligzdā.

Pretējā gadījumā varat izraisīt ugunsgrēku.

Nelokiet un nevelciet strāvas vadu ar spēku, nenovietojiet uz tā smagus priekšmetus.

Pretējā gadījumā varat izraisīt ugunsgrēku.

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Samsung LH55CPPLBB/EN, LH46CPPLBB/EN manual Strāva

LH46CPPLBB/EN, LH55CPPLBB/EN specifications

Samsung has established itself as a leader in the display technology market, and the LH55CPPLBB/EN and LH46CPPLBB/EN models are perfect examples of their commitment to quality and innovation. Both displays are notable for their stunning visual performance, ideal for a range of applications including retail environments, corporate communications, and public information systems.

One of the standout features of the LH55CPPLBB/EN model is its 55-inch screen size, which provides a large viewing area perfect for high-traffic locations. Its impressive 4K resolution ensures crystal-clear images that attract attention and enhance viewer engagement. The display utilizes Samsung's Quantum Dot technology, which produces vivid colors and higher brightness levels, resulting in an immersive visual experience that captivates audiences.

On the other hand, the LH46CPPLBB/EN model, with its 46-inch display, is designed for situations where space might be limited without compromising on quality. It also offers 4K resolution, ensuring that even in smaller installations, the imagery remains sharp and detailed. Both models feature an ultra-narrow bezel design, contributing to a sleek and modern appearance while allowing for various configurations and multi-screen setups that can create a more comprehensive display solution.

In terms of durability, both displays are engineered for continuous operation, making them excellent choices for environments where they will be running all day. They are equipped with advanced heat management technology which helps maintain optimal temperature conditions, reducing the risk of damage or performance degradation over time.

Furthermore, these models support HDMI, DisplayPort, and USB connectivity, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of sources, from computers to multimedia players. The integration of Samsung's MagicINFO software provides robust content management capabilities. Users can seamlessly create, schedule, and manage content across multiple displays, enhancing flexibility and control.

Both models also incorporate advanced image processing technologies, ensuring exceptional picture quality regardless of the lighting conditions in the installation environment. They meet the high standards demanded by modern businesses looking to provide top-tier visual experiences.

In summary, the Samsung LH55CPPLBB/EN and LH46CPPLBB/EN displays blend cutting-edge technology with high functionality. Their stunning visuals, robust features, and reliability make them ideal choices for a diverse array of applications, solidifying Samsung's position as a frontrunner in the display technology domain.