2.Skaiþiǐ mygtukas

Atlasa TV kanƗlus TV režƯmƗ. Izmanto kanƗlu pƗrslƝgšanai, ja ir izvƝlƝts PIP (attƝls attƝlƗ) režƯms un PIP Source (PIP ekrƗna avots) ir iestatƯts TV (televizorƗ).


Nospiediet, lai atlasƯtu kanƗlus pƗri par 100.

PiemƝram, lai atlasƯtu kanƗlu 121, nospiediet ˈ+100ˉ, tad nospiediet ˈ2ˉGun ˈ1ˉ.

-/-- (Viencipara/divciparu kanƗlu atlase)

Izmanto, lai atlasƯtu kanƗlu desmit vai lielƗku par desmit. Nospiežot so pogu, tiek parƗdƯts simbols ˈ—“.

Ievadiet divciparu kanƗla numuru.

-/-- galvenokƗrt tiek izmantots EiropƗ.

4.- +

NoregulƝ audio skaƺumu.


Nospiediet, lai uz laiku atslƝgtu skaƼu. AttƝlo ekrƗna apakšdaƺas kreisajƗ pusƝ.

Lai atceltu Mute (klusinƗtƗja) funkciju, vƝlreiz nospiediet MUTE pogu. Lai atceltu Mute (klusinƗtƗja) funkciju, pƗrmaiƼus nospiediet + pogas.


TV kanƗli sniedz rakstiskas informƗcijas pakalpojumus ar teleteksta palƯdzƯbu. Papildus informƗcijai > TTX / MIX

TTX / MIX galvenokƗrt tiek izmantots EiropƗ.


Kad ekrƗna noregulƝšanas izvƝlne ir izslƝgta: Izmantojiet šo pogu lai atvƝrtu OSD un aktivizƝtu izgaismoto izvƝlnes vienumu.


Lieto, lai atlasƯtu OSD izvƝlni

9. CH/P

TV režƯmƗ atlasa TV kanƗlus.


PƗrslƝdzas no PC uz video režƯmu.

Avota nomaiƼa ir atƺauta tikai tƗm ƗrƝjƗm ierƯcƝm, kas ir pievienotas monitoram dotajƗ brƯdƯ.


PašreizƝjƗ attƝla informƗcija tiek parƗdƯta ekrƗna augšƝjƗ kreisajƗ stnjrƯ.

12. EXIT

Poga Exit (Iziet) iziet no izvƝlnes ekrƗna vai aizver ekrƗna noregulƝšanas izvƝlni.

13. Rodykliǐ aukštyn-žemyn ir kairơn-dešinơn mygtukai

PƗrvieto no viena izvƝlnes vienuma uz otru vertikƗli vai noregulƝ atlasƯtƗs izvƝlnes vƝrtƯbas.


AutomƗtiski noregulƝ ekrƗna displeju.(PC)

15.P.MODE, M/B (MagicBright )

Nospiežot šo pogu, ekrƗna centra apakšƗ tiek parƗdƯts pašreizƝjais režƯms.

TV / AV / Ext. / S-Video /Component Mode : P.MODE( Picture Mode ) Monitoram ir þetri automƗtiskie attƝlu iestatƯjumi, kas ir iepriekš iestatƯti rnjpnƯcƗ.

PƝc tam varat atkƗrtoti spiest pogu, un nokonfigurƝtie režƯmi tiks pƗrslƝgti viens aiz otra. ( Dynamic Standard Movie Custom )

PC / DVI Mode : M/B ( MagicBright )

MagicBright ir jauna funkcija, ar kuras palƯdzƯbu var sasniegt optimƗlu vizuƗlo vidi - saskaƼƗ ar to, kƗds attƝls tiek parƗdƯts ekrƗnƗ. ŠobrƯd funkcijai ir trƯs režƯmi - Teksts, Internets un Izklaide.

PƝc tam varat atkƗrtoti spiest pogu, un nokonfigurƝtie režƯmi tiks pƗrslƝgti viens aiz otra. ( Entertain Internet Text Custom )

16.P.SIZE - Nav pieejams PC/DVI režƯmu. Nospiediet, lai izmainƯtu ekrƗna lielumu. ( Automatico Wide Zoom 4:3 )

Zoom nav pieejams DTV 1080i(vai lielƗkƗ par720p) izðkirtspçjâ.

17.STILL- Darbojas tikai CBVS, S video un RF signƗla avotiem.

ParƗda izšƷirtspƝju, frekvenci un ievades signƗla iestatƯjumus ekrƗna centrƗ.

Page 16
Image 16
Samsung LS19DOCSSK/EDC Viencipara/divciparu kanƗlu atlase, GalvenokƗrt tiek izmantots EiropƗ, Mute, Ch/P, Info, Exit, Auto

LS19DOCSSK/EDC specifications

The Samsung LS19DOCSSK/EDC is a versatile and feature-rich monitor designed to cater to both professional and personal needs. With its elegant design and cutting-edge display technology, this monitor aims to enhance user experience across various applications, from daily office tasks to immersive entertainment.

One of the standout features of the LS19DOCSSK/EDC is its vibrant 19-inch display. Offering a resolution of 1280x1024 pixels, this monitor provides sharp image quality and accurate color reproduction, making it ideal for graphic design, video editing, and general productivity tasks. The screen’s aspect ratio of 5:4 allows for a more focused view of documents and spreadsheets, facilitating multitasking and improving workflow efficiency.

The LS19DOCSSK/EDC employs LED backlighting technology, which not only contributes to a thinner profile but also enhances energy efficiency. This feature reduces power consumption while delivering bright, clear visuals with better contrast ratios compared to traditional LCD monitors. The monitor’s flicker-free technology further minimizes eye strain, making it suitable for prolonged use in various lighting environments.

Connectivity options are ample with the LS19DOCSSK/EDC. It comes equipped with both VGA and DVI inputs, providing seamless compatibility with a range of devices, including computers and laptops. This versatility allows users to easily switch between multiple sources without hassle.

The ergonomic design of the monitor includes an adjustable stand, enabling users to tilt and position the screen for optimal viewing comfort. This customization is vital for preventing neck and back strain during extended work sessions. Additionally, the monitor features a slim bezel, which not only gives it a modern look but also maximizes screen real estate.

In terms of durability, the LS19DOCSSK/EDC meets several environmental standards, underlining Samsung's commitment to sustainability. The monitor is free from harmful materials such as lead and mercury, making it a safer choice for both users and the environment.

Overall, the Samsung LS19DOCSSK/EDC is a reliable monitor that delivers on both performance and aesthetics. Its blend of advanced technologies, ergonomic design, and energy efficiency makes it an ideal choice for professionals and casual users alike, proving that quality and functionality can go hand in hand in the realm of display technologies.