Pechni poldan 85 sm balandlikda yassi tekis yuzaga o’rnating. Yuza

Ushbu mikroto’lqinli pech ichki qurilgan soat bilan jihozlangan. Elektr

pechning og’irligini xavfsiz darajada ko’tarish uchun yetarlicha mustahkam

tarmoqqa ulanganda displeyda avtomatik ravishda «12:00» yozuvi paydo

bo’lishi kerak.




1. Pechni o’rnatish chog’ida ventilyatsiya normal bo’lishi



Joriy vaqtni o’rnating. Soat vaqtni 12 soatlik yoki 24 soatlik formatda

namoyish qilishi mumkin. Soatni quyidagi holatlarda o’rnatish kerak bo’ladi.

uchun pech va boshqa predmetlar orasidagi masofa

20 sm

10 sm


• Mikroto’lqinli pechni ilk marta o’rnatayotganda

pechning orqa va yon devorlari uchun kamida



10 sm, pechning ustki qopqog’i uchun –


Yon tomondan

• O’zgaruvchan elektr toki tarmog’ida uzilishlar bo’lgandan keyin

20 sm bo’lishi kerak.

Yozgi vaqtdan qishki vaqtga o’tgan paytda va, aksincha bo’lganida,

85 sm

10 sm


2. Pechning ichidagi barcha o’rama materiallarni



soatni to’g’rilashni unutmang.



1. Vaqtni o'rnatish uchun

chiqarib oling.





24 soatli formatda

Rolikli taglik va aylanuvchi patnisni o’rnating.



Patnis erkin aylanayotganligini tekshiring.



12 soatli formatda




Часы (Soat) tugmachasini bir yoki ikki marta bosing

3. Ushbu pech elektr manbaiga ulash vilkasidan osongina foydalanish



Soatni h, daqiqani min tugmasi bilan tanlang.



mumkin bo'lgan tarzda joylashtirilishi kerak.







Agar ushbu jihozning tarmoq kabeli shikastlangan bo‘lsa, uni maxsus







kabelga yoki ishlab chiqaruvchi firma yoki texnik xizmatdan xarid qilinishi









Displeyda to’g’ri vaqt namoyish qilinganda soatning


mumkin bo‘lgan to‘plamga almashtirish zarur.





Xavfsizlikni ta’minlash uchun elektr kabeli vilkasini faqat 230 V,




ishlay boshlashi uchun Часы (Soat) tugmachasini


50 Gts o‘zgaruvchan tok tarmog‘ining yerga tutashtirilgan 3 kontaktli







rozetkasiga ulang. Agar elektr tarmog'iga ulash kabeli shikastlangan










Pechdan foydalanilmayotgan vaqtda

bo'lsa, uni maxsus kabel bilan almashtirish zarur.








joriy vaqt ko’rsatiladi.







Mikroto’lqinli pechni issiq yoki nam joyga, masalan, oddiy oshxona plitasi yoki isitish radiatori yoniga o’rnatmang. Pech iste’mol qiladigan quvvatni inobatga olish zarur, har qanday uzaytirgich pech bilan birga yetkazib berilgan tarmoq shnurining xuddi shu standartiga mos kelishi kerak. Mikroto’lqinli pechni ishlatishdan oldin uning ichki yuzasini va eshikchaning zichlagichini nam latta bilan arting.


ME83XR_BWT_DE68-04055A-07_RU+UK+KK+UZ.indb 8

2017-02-01 ￿￿ 2:36:14

Page 68
Image 68
Samsung ME83XR/BWT manual MIKROTO’LQINLI Pechni O’RNATISH Vaqtni Belgilash, Mikroto’lqinli pechni ilk marta o’rnatayotganda

ME83XR/BWT specifications

The Samsung ME83XR/BWT is a countertop microwave that embodies modern technology combining functionality with stylish design. This model is ideal for busy kitchens, offering a range of features designed to make cooking and reheating food efficient and effortless.

One of the standout features of the Samsung ME83XR/BWT is its powerful 800 watts of cooking power. This ensures quick cooking times, allowing users to prepare meals in a fraction of the time it would take with conventional ovens. The microwave also includes multiple power levels, enabling precise control over cooking, defrosting, and reheating tasks.

A significant technology integrated into the ME83XR/BWT is the Smart Sensor Cook feature. This innovative technology automatically adjusts cooking times and power levels based on the food being prepared. By measuring steam emitted from the food, the sensor optimizes cooking settings to ensure perfectly cooked results, removing guesswork from meal preparation.

The ME83XR/BWT also includes a selection of pre-programmed cooking modes, catering to a variety of popular dishes. Whether reheating leftovers, defrosting frozen meals, or cooking popcorn, these presets provide convenience and consistency in cooking. The one-touch buttons make navigation easy, allowing users to quickly select their desired function.

Moreover, the microwave's sleek design includes a ceramic enamel interior, which is not only visually appealing but also easy to clean. The enamel makes it resistant to scratches, odors, and stains, ensuring the microwave maintains its pristine condition over time. The shiny finish adds a touch of elegance to any kitchen decor.

Safety features are also paramount in the design of the ME83XR/BWT. The child lock function prevents accidental operation, making it a suitable choice for families with young children.

With a capacity of 23 liters, this compact microwave is designed to accommodate a variety of dish sizes, making it a versatile addition to any kitchen. Its user-friendly interface, coupled with its array of features and modern aesthetics, allows for seamless integration into daily cooking routines.

In summary, the Samsung ME83XR/BWT is a powerful and convenient microwave built for efficiency and ease of use. With its smart technologies, stylish design, and user-friendly features, it represents a perfect blend of performance and reliability for today's fast-paced cooking environments.