4. 6
Booklet PrintingYour Samsung 6100 Series PCL6 driver gives you the capability to print
your document in a booklet format. To perform booklet printing, follow
these steps:
1. Ensure the Samsung 6100 Series PCL6 driver is the default printer.
2. In the Windows application (for example, MS Word), in File➝
Page Setup, select one of the valid booklet formats available.
3. Create your document using this page setup.
4. Print the document to the ML-6100 using the PCL6 driver.
5. In the driver properties, select:
• Paper size to correspond to what was selected in Step 2.
• Output format to Booklet Printing.
• For more assistance, check Instruction Page under Manual 2 Sided
Printing. This will generate an instruction page to aid in printing the
second side. For more detailed information, refer to the on-line help.
Note: Booklet Printing is a specialized form of duplex printing. Once the first
side (side one) is completed, a dialog box will appear indicating to you to
reinsert the sheets into the MP Tray. Once sheets have been reinserted in
the MP Tray, click OK to complete printing.