Samsung NP450R5V-X01HU manual Upozornění ohledně podpory operačního systému

Models: NP450R5V-X01HU

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Upozornění ohledně podpory operačního systému



zOperační systém Windows není v tomto počítači ani nainstalován ani k němu není dodáván.

xProto by si zákazníci měli zakoupit softwarovou licenci na systém Windows a software nainstalovat. Neinstalujte nelegální kopii nebo kopii, která již byla nainstalovaná v jiném počítači.

cPokyny k instalaci a jakékoli problémy s operačními systémy nebo aplikacemi nedodanými společností Samsung Computer řešte s odpovídající softwarovou společností.

vSpolečnost neposkytuje náhradu ani refundaci z důvodů x, c a pokud vás v rámci tohoto problému navštíví náš technik, bude vám účtován servisní poplatek.

Model 270Exx: podporován systém Windows 8/8.1, model 275Exx: podporován systém Windows 8.1, model 27xBxx model: podporován systém Windows 7

Při prvním použití počítače plně nabijte baterii.

Upozornenia týkajúce sa podpory OS



zOperačný systém Windows nie je nainštalovaný v tomto počítači a ani sa s ním nedodáva.

xPreto by si zákazníci mali zakúpiť softvérovú licenciu pre operačný systém Windows a softvér nainštalovať. Neinštalujte nelegálnu kópiu alebo kópiu, ktorá je už nainštalovaná v druhom počítači.

cOhľadom postupov pri inštalácii a akýchkoľvek otázok týkajúcich sa operačných systémov alebo aplikácií, ktoré nedodala spoločnosť Samsung Computer, kontaktujte príslušnú softvérovú spoločnosť.

vSpoločnosť neposkytne náhradu alebo vrátenie peňazí z dôvodov x, c a v prípade, že vás náš servisný technik navštívi z dôvodu tohto problému, bude sa účtovať servisný poplatok.

Model 270Exx: podporuje systém Windows 8/8.1, model 275Exx: podporuje systém Windows 8.1, model 27xBxx: podporuje systém Windows 7

Pri prvom použití počítača nabite doplna batériu.

Precauţii privind asistenţa pentru sistemul de operare



zWindows nu este nici instalat, nici furnizat împreună cu acest computer.

xPrin urmare, clienţii trebuie să achiziţioneze o licenţă pentru software Windows şi să instaleze programul. Nu instalaţi o copie ilegală sau o copie care a fost deja instalată pe un alt PC.

cPentru procedurile de instalare şi orice probleme cu sistemele de operare sau aplicaţiile care nu sunt furnizate de Samsung Computer, contactaţi firma de la care aţi achiziţionat software-ul respectiv.

vCompania nu va înlocui şi nu vă returna banii în baza motivelor x, c iar dacă solicitaţi o vizită de la inginerul nostru de service pentru această problemă, se va percepe o taxă de service.

Model 270Exx: Windows 8/8.1 acceptat, model 275Exx: Windows 8.1 acceptat, model 27xBxx: Windows 7 acceptat

Încărcaţi bateria complet la utilizarea computerului pentru prima dată.


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Samsung NP450R5V-X01HU manual Upozornění ohledně podpory operačního systému, Upozornenia týkajúce sa podpory OS

NP450R5V-X01HU specifications

The Samsung NP370R5V series, which includes the NP370R5V-S01HU and NP370R5V-S02HU models, along with the NP450R5V series featuring the NP450R5V-X01HU and NP450R5V-X02HU, represents a range of versatile laptops designed to cater to a variety of users' needs. With sleek designs and robust specifications, these models are known for their performance and aesthetic appeal.

The NP370R5V models emphasize portability without sacrificing power. They come equipped with Intel's latest processors, which provide efficient multitasking capabilities, making them suitable for students and professionals alike. The 15.6-inch display offers a combination of Full HD resolution and anti-glare technology, ensuring that users can work on their tasks in various lighting conditions without straining their eyes. The integration of Intel HD graphics enhances the visual experience, allowing for casual gaming and multimedia consumption.

Both NP370R5V models offer an array of connectivity options, including USB 3.0 ports, HDMI, and an SD card reader. This variety ensures users can easily connect to external devices, whether it's a projector for presentations or an external storage solution. In terms of storage, these laptops provide sufficient hard drive space, allowing users to store their important files and media without concern.

On the other hand, the NP450R5V series, particularly the NP450R5V-X01HU and NP450R5V-X02HU models, are tailored for more demanding tasks. Featuring similar Full HD displays, they focus on delivering higher processing power with enhanced graphics capabilities. Designed for users who might require additional performance for graphic design or gaming, these models offer an option for dedicated GPU configurations, elevating their usability for graphic-sensitive applications.

Both the NP450R5V-X01HU and NP450R5V-X02HU models maintain the same sleek design ethos as their NP370R5V counterparts while boasting larger battery capacities to support longer usage times. Samsung's Energy Management technology contributes to better battery longevity, ensuring that users can work or play for extended periods without needing to recharge frequently.

In summary, the Samsung NP370R5V and NP450R5V series laptops strike an excellent balance between form and function, offering essential features and technology that cater to a wide range of users. Whether you are a student, a professional, or a casual user, these laptops provide the performance, versatility, and connectivity needed to stay productive in today’s digital world.