
Effect Motion GIF

You can make Motion GIF with captured images.
Motion GIF : Taking images continuously and save them in a file. This file
supports animation.
ƈHow to make the Motion GIF
3. Select the image size and FPS (Frame Per
4. Select desired images by using the smart button.
5. Press the OK button and a Motion GIF file is saved.
1. Press the Edit button. 2. Press the [M.GIF] menu button.
: Captured images will be stored in
black and white.
: Captured images will be stored in a sepia tone
(a range of yellowish brown colours).
: Captured images will be stored in a blue tone.
: Captured images will be stored in a red tone.
: Captured images will be stored in
a green tone.
: Save the image in negative mode.
By using the camera’s digital processor, it is possible to add special effects to
your images.
1. Press the Edit button.
2. Press the [EFFECT] menu button.
3. Select a desired sub menu by using the smart button.
B & W