Agar moslama sozlashning o'rtasida yoki vaqtinchalik to'xtash holatida ishlayotgan bo'lganda hech qanday funksiyani tanlamasangiz, funksiya bekor qilinadi va soat 10 daqiqadan keyin ko'rsatiladi.

Chiroq : Tayyorlash paytida "Oven light" (Pech chirog'i) tugmasini bosish orqali pech lampasini o'chirishingiz mumkin. Quvvatni tejash uchun tayyorlash dasturi boshlangandan keyin birnecha daqiqa o'tgach, pech chirog'i o'chadi.


(Chiqindilarni ajratgan holda yig'ish tizimiga ega bo'lgan mamlakatlarga tegishli)

Mahsulot, aksessuarlar yoki bosma nashrlardagi ushbu markirovka ushbu mahsulot va uning elektron yordamchi qurilmalarining (masalan, zaryadlash qurilmasi, naushniklar, USB kabeli) xizmat muddatlarini o'tab bo'lganlaridan keyin boshqa maishiy chiqindilar bilan birgalikda chiqitga chiqarib bo'lmasligini ko'rsatadi. Keraksiz buyumlarni nazoratsiz tarzda chiqitga chiqarish tufayli atrof-muhitga yoki odamlarning salomatliklariga yetkazilishi mumkin bo'lgan zararlarning oldini olish uchun ko'rsatilgan elementlarni tashlab yuborilayotgan qurilmaning boshqa qismlaridan ajratib oling va moddiy resurslardan oqilona tarzda takroran foydalanishga ko'maklashish uchun ulardan qayta foydalaning.

Uyda foydalanuvchilar ekologik jihatdan xavfsiz tarzda qayta foydalanish uchun ushbu qurilmalarni qayerda va qanday topshirish mumkinligi to'g'risida ma'lumotlar olish uchun o'zlari ushbu mahsulotni xarid qilgan chakana sotuvchiga yoki mahalliy hokimiyat ofi siga murojaat qilishlari kerak.

Biznes bilan shug'ullanuvchi foydalanuvchilar o'zlarining ta'minotchilari bilan bog'lanishlari va xarid shartnomasi qoidalari va shartlari bilan tanishishlari kerak. Ushbu mahsulot

va uning elektron aksessuarlarini tashlab yuboriladigan boshqa tij oriy chiqindilar bilan birgalikda chiqitga chiqarmaslik kerak.

O'zbek - 11

02 o'rnatish

Prezio Twin_NV70H5787CB_WT_DG68-00532A-03_UZ.indb 11

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Samsung NV70H5787CB/WT manual Avtomatik Elektr Energiyasini Tejash Funksiyasi

NV70H5787CB/WT specifications

The Samsung NV70H5787CB/WT is a multifunctional oven designed for modern kitchens, combining advanced technology with intuitive features to enhance cooking experiences. This model stands out with its sleek design, ensuring it not only performs well but also complements contemporary interiors.

One of the main features of the NV70H5787CB/WT is its spacious 70-liter capacity, which provides ample space for cooking large meals. Whether baking a whole chicken or preparing multiple dishes at once, users will appreciate the flexibility this oven offers. Additionally, its 10 cooking functions cater to a wide array of culinary techniques. From baking and grilling to defrosting and roasting, this oven enables users to experiment with various cooking styles.

The Samsung NV70H5787CB/WT incorporates Smart Technology, allowing for effortless operations. The Smart Sensor automatically adjusts the cooking temperature and time based on the food type, ensuring perfectly cooked dishes every time. This technology takes the guesswork out of cooking, making it an excellent choice for novice chefs and seasoned cooks alike.

Another notable feature is the user-friendly control panel, which employs both tactile buttons and a digital display for easy navigation. This makes selecting cooking modes and adjusting settings straightforward, enhancing the cooking experience. The oven also boasts a child lock feature, providing extra safety for families with young children.

One of the standout characteristics of the NV70H5787CB/WT is its ease of cleaning. The oven features a self-cleaning function utilizing high temperatures to burn away food residues, ensuring the appliance remains hygienic without the need for harsh chemicals. The ceramic enamel interior also makes it easy to wipe down, reflecting Samsung's focus on both functionality and user convenience.

Energy efficiency is another highlight, with the NV70H5787CB/WT designed to minimize power consumption while delivering consistent performance. This makes it an environmentally friendly choice for conscientious users.

In conclusion, the Samsung NV70H5787CB/WT is a versatile and technologically advanced oven that enhances cooking experiences through its spacious capacity, intuitive controls, and various cooking functions. Its commitment to ease of use, safety, and efficiency makes it a worthy addition to any modern kitchen, appealing to both amateur cooks and culinary enthusiasts.