Samsung NZ64H57479K/WT manual Plitani ornatish, Ornatuvchi Uchun Xavfsizlik Boyicha Korsatmalar

Models: NZ64H57479K/WT NZ64H57477K/WT

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plitani o'rnatish

Jihoz faqatgina mutaxassis tomonidan o'rnatilishi va yerga ulanishi lozim. OGOHLANTIRISH Iltimos, bu qoidaga amal qiling. Noto'g'ri o'rnatishdan kelib chiqadigan

zararlar kafolat bo'yicha qoplanmaydi.

Texnik ma'lumotlar ushbu qo'llanma oxirida keltirilgan.


Qurilma o'chirgichdan barcha qutblardan uzilish imkonini beradigan va kontakt uchun kamida 3 mm lik oraliqqa ega bo'lgan elektr qurilmasi ulanishi bilan ta'minlanishi kerak. Mos keluvchi himoyalovchi qurilmalarga liniyani himoyalovchi uzgich, saqlagichlar (burab kiritiladigan saqlagichlarni patronidan olib tashlash kerak), yerga o'tib ketishni ajratgich va tutashtirgichlar kiradi.

Yong'indan himoya qoidalariga rioya etgan holda, bu jihoz

EN 60335 - 2 - 6 shartlariga muvofiqdir. Bu turdagi jihozni yuqori tokchaga yoki bir tarafdagi devorga o'rnatish mumkin.

O'rnatilgan joyida zarbdan himoyalangan bo'lishi shart.

Bu jihoz o'rnatiladigan oshxona mebeli DIN 68930 mustahkamlik talablariga javob berishi kerak.

Namlikdan himoya qilish maqsadida, barcha kesish yuzalari tegishli germetik modda bilan to'ldirilgan bo'lishi kerak.

Plitkali yuzalarda, plita o'rnatilgan joydagi barcha oraliq tirqishlar sement bilan to'ldirilishi lozim.

Tabiiy, sun'iy toshdan qilingan, sopol yuzalarda mos keladigan sun'iy kauchuk yoki yelim yordamida qistirg'ich prujinalar yopishtirilishi kerak.

Ishlanadigan sirtdagi germetik moddalarda tirqish bo'lmasdan, zich joylashganligiga amin bo'ling. Qo'shimcha silikon qo'llanmasligi kerak, aks holda ta'mirlash uchun ochish qiyinlashadi.

Plitani olish uchun tagidan tepaga itarib chiqarish lozim.

Plita ostiga doska o'rnatish mumkin.

Qopqalar bilan uning ostidagi blok orasidan havo aylanish tirqishi yopilib qolmasligi kerak.

O'zbek - 10

NZ64H57479K_WT_DG68-00562A-02_RU+UK+KK+UZ.indb 10

2017-02-03 ￿￿ 10:49:44

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Samsung NZ64H57479K/WT, NZ64H57477K/WT manual Plitani ornatish, Ornatuvchi Uchun Xavfsizlik Boyicha Korsatmalar

NZ64H57479K/WT, NZ64H57477K/WT specifications

The Samsung NZ64H57477K/WT and NZ64H57479K/WT are advanced induction cooktops that combine innovative technology with sleek design, perfect for modern kitchens. These cooktops are part of Samsung's commitment to providing high-quality kitchen appliances that enhance cooking experiences.

One of the standout features of these models is their induction cooking technology. This technology allows for rapid heating by directly transferring energy to the cookware, making cooking faster and more efficient. Induction cooktops heat only the cookware itself, which means that the surrounding area remains cool to the touch, enhancing safety in the kitchen.

The NZ64H57477K/WT and NZ64H57479K/WT both feature a versatile cooking surface with multiple zones that can accommodate various pot sizes. This flexibility ensures that home chefs can manage multiple dishes simultaneously without any hassle. The cooktops also come with a slide touch control panel, allowing users to adjust heat levels with ease and precision.

Additionally, these models are equipped with smart technology that includes features such as child lock and timer functions, providing peace of mind and convenience. The child lock feature ensures that little hands cannot accidentally turn the cooktop on, while the timer function allows users to set cooking times for specific dishes, freeing them up to focus on other tasks.

Another remarkable characteristic is the built-in Wi-Fi connectivity in some models, enabling users to control and monitor cooking processes remotely through a smartphone app. This connectivity feature allows home chefs to start or stop cooking from anywhere in the house, making it incredibly convenient for busy households.

Both the NZ64H57477K/WT and NZ64H57479K/WT also emphasize easy cleaning, with smooth glass surfaces that resist spills and splatters. The induction cooktops can be wiped clean with minimal effort, allowing for a tidy kitchen environment.

Overall, the Samsung NZ64H57477K/WT and NZ64H57479K/WT are perfect additions to any modern kitchen, combining cutting-edge cooking technology, user-friendly features, and a stylish aesthetic. These cooktops are designed to make cooking enjoyable, efficient, and safe, catering to the needs of today’s home chefs.