Name: Changes the name of the selected screen. Only the screen name changes and the time
information is retained.
Start Time / Stop Time / Duration: Sets the time information for the selected screen in minutes.
Periodic: Sets how frequently the selected screen recurs. (None / Daily / Weekly / Monthly)
End on: Sets an end date for the selected schedule to recur.
Publish View
Publishes the schedules which are configured by the EPG view and the List view to the checked
Beginning Day/ Start Time / End Day / Stop Time: Sets the time information for the schedules to
be published to the monitors. Only the screens within the specified period can be published.
Total Publishing Size: Indicates the total size of all the screens within the specified publishing
period. This is the total size of the files whose play mode is set to Download in all screens.
However, for a local monitor, the size of the files whose play mode is set to Stream is included
Free Space: Indicates the size of the files the monitor can download while publishing. If the total
publishing size is larger than the free size, publishing cannot be performed. However, if you
change the Maximum Publishing Size option in the Schedule tab in the Server Option, schedules
can be published regardless of the available free size.
Status: Displays the publishing progress as a percentage on the slide bar. This is the percentage
of the size of the files downloaded to the monitor compared to the total screen (file) size.
Result: Displays the publishing results. Double-click the schedule or click this button to view the
detailed publishing information.