03 Postavljanje televizora

Postavljanje televizora na zid

Ako ovaj televizor postavljate na zid, pažljivo slijedite upute proizvođača. Ako televizor nije pravilno postavljen, on može skliznuti ili pasti što može uzrokovati teške povrede djece ili odraslih osoba te

ozbiljno oštećenje televizora.

Za modele s isporučenim adapterom za zidni nosač prije montiranja nosača na zid postavite adapter kao što je prikazano na slici.

•• Pročitajte upute za montiranje priložene uz komplet za montiranje na zid tvrtke Samsung.

•• Televizor možete postaviti na zid pomoću zidnog nosača (prodaje se zasebno).

Zidni nosač








•• Samsung Electronics ne snosi odgovornost za oštećenja uređaja ili ozljede korisnika ako korisnik odabere samostalno postaviti zidni nosač.

•• Zidni nosač postavite na čvrsti zid okomit na pod. Prije nego što postavite zidni nosač na neku podlogu koja nije gipsana ploča, obratite se svom najbližem distributeru za dodatne informacije. Ako televizor postavljate na strop ili nakošeni zid, može pasti i prouzročiti teške tjelesne ozljede.

•• Standardne dimenzije zidnih nosača prikazane su u tablici na sljedećoj stranici.

•• Ako montirate zidni nosač drugog proizvođača, imajte na umu da je dužina vijaka koju možete koristiti za pričvršćivanje televizora na zidni nosač navedena u stupcu C tablice na sljedećoj stranici.

•• Prilikom montiranja nosača na zid, preporučujemo da pričvrstite sva četiri vijka prema standardu VESA.

•• Ako želite montirati zidni nosač koji se na zid pričvršćuje samo s dva gornja vijka, svakako koristite zidni nosač tvrtke Samsung koji podržava ovu vrstu montaže. (Možda nećete moći kupiti ovu vrstu zidnog nosača ovisno o geografskom području.)


Hrvatski - 9

Page 119
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Samsung QE88Q9FAMTXXH, QE65Q9FAMTXXH manual Postavljanje televizora na zid

QE65Q9FAMTXXH, QE88Q9FAMTXXH specifications

Samsung has carved a niche in the premium television market, and the QE88Q9FAMTXXH, QE88Q9FAMTXZT, QE65Q9FAMTXXH, and QE65Q9FAMTXZT are stellar examples of their commitment to delivering exceptional picture quality and cutting-edge technology.

At the heart of these models is Samsung's Quantum Dot technology, which enhances color accuracy and provides a wider color gamut compared to traditional LCD panels. This innovation ensures that viewers experience vibrant colors, whether watching a blockbuster movie or live sports. With HDR (High Dynamic Range) support, these televisions are capable of delivering deep blacks and bright highlights, contributing to an immersive viewing experience that brings content to life.

The QE88Q9FAMTXXH and QE88Q9FAMTXZT are distinguished by their impressive 88-inch screens, making them ideal for larger living spaces or dedicated home theaters. Their massive size is complemented by a stunning 4K resolution, which boasts an impressive pixel density that results in sharp and detailed images. These colossal displays are perfect for an engaging cinematic experience, allowing viewers to notice the finest details in their favorite shows and films.

On the other hand, the QE65Q9FAMTXXH and QE65Q9FAMTXZT offer a more compact 65-inch option while still maintaining the same impressive features. Both models are equipped with Samsung's QLED technology, which utilizes a layer of quantum dots for enhanced brightness and color performance. This results in a display that remains vibrant even in brightly lit rooms.

All four models incorporate Samsung's Smart TV platform, providing users access to a plethora of streaming services and applications. The intuitive interface makes it easy to navigate content, and the inclusion of advanced AI upscaling technology ensures that lower resolution content looks its best on these high-resolution displays.

Additionally, the designs of these models emphasize elegance and sophistication. They feature thin bezels and a sleek profile, allowing them to blend seamlessly into any home decor. With features such as ambient mode, these televisions can display art or family photos when not in use, transforming them into a stylish centerpiece.

In summary, whether opting for the impressive 88-inch models or the more compact 65-inch versions, the Samsung QE88Q9FAMTXXH, QE88Q9FAMTXZT, QE65Q9FAMTXXH, and QE65Q9FAMTXZT showcase the brand's dedication to innovation, stunning picture quality, and design aesthetics that cater to consumers seeking an unparalleled viewing experience.