..Before using, the appliance should be cleaned up. The appliance should be cleaned regularly.

Cleaning the e xterior

Clean the exterior with a mild detergent and cloth. Dry it with a clean cloth.

Cleaning the r ubber door seals

If the rubber door seals are dirty, the door will not does properly and the refrigerator and freezer will be unable to function efficiently. Clean the rubber door seals with a mild detergent. Then wipe again with a clean cloth. (But inside the rubber doesn Õt have to be cleaned)

Cleaning the inter ior and other accessor ies .

After removing all the stored foods, clean the interior and other accessories with a mild detergent and damp cloth. Then wipe again with a clean cloth.


.Remove the power plug before cleaning.

.Do not clean the appliance with bezene, thinner, or strong detergent. This will ruin the coated materials and become rusty.

When disposing the refrigerators : Should be followed the disposal law of your country.


If there are the following problems with your appliance, please check them by yourself before contacting the service center, If you can Õt find the solution, note down the appliance model and running number, then contact the service center.

The appliance is not oper ating at all or the temper ature is too high

1.Check that the power plug is properly connected.

2.Check that the power plug fuse has not blown.

3.Is the temperature control on the front panel set to the correct temperature?

4.Is there too much stored food? Space of food out as much as possible to improve ventilation.

The side of the appliance are nor mally w arm

The w arm sides of the appliance is not abnormal. Because the heat

exchanger pipes are

installed in the front corners of the appliance to prevent condensation from

defrosting. In very

humid weater, condensation may form on the outer surface of the appliance when moisture in the air comes into contact with the cool surface of the appliance. Thus, do not cover the refrigerator with cloth or other materials.