Sovutgich bilan birga berilmaydi





Tekis uchli



ko'ndalang kalit

otvyortka (-)

otvyortka (+)

(boltlar uchun)


Suv baki

Ikki qo'lingiz bilan suv bakini mahkam ushlang va uni ajratib olish uchun asta-sekinlik bilan o'zingiz tomon yuqoriga ko'taring.

Modelga bog'liq ravishda suv

baki mavjud bo'lmasligi mumkin.



Ushbu ko'rsatmalarni to'laligicha va diqqat bilan o'qib chiqing.

Samsung eshikni almashtirishni Samsung OGOHLANTIRISH kompaniyasning vakolatli xizmat ko'rsatish xodimlari bajarishini tavsiya qiladi.

Bu to'lov asosida va xarajatlarni xaridor qoplashi bilan amalga oshiriladi.

Eshikni almashtirishga bo'lgan urinish vaqtida yetkazilgan har qanday zarar uchun ishlab chiqaruvchining kafolati amal qilmaydi. Ushbu holatlar sababli talab qilingan har qanday ta'mirlash ishlari to'lov asosida va xarajatlarni xaridor qoplashi bilan amalga oshiriladi.

1.Bo'yoqni ko'chirib yubormaslik uchun qismlarni avaylab ushlang.

2.Ularni qayta qo'yishda adashtirib yubormaslik uchun murvatlarni tegishli qismlar bilan bir joyga qo'ying.

3.Eshiklar uchun tirnamaydigan ish yuzasini tayyorlang. (mas.:adyol)

4.Almashtirish vaqtida uzatgichda yog' dog'lari qolmasligi kerak.

5.Quyida tavsifi keltirilgan asboblardan foydalanishni tavsiya qilamiz.

(Shunday o'lchamdagi boshqa universal kalit va gayka kalitlaridan foydalanish mumkin)

Sovutgich bilan birga berilmaydi Qo'shimcha qism




11 mm

Universal kalit

Chap ilmoqdagi


(3/16 dyuym)

sim qopqog'i

gayka kaliti (ilmoq

(o'rta ilmoq


o'qi uchun)




-Ushbu ishlatish ko'rsatmalari turli modellar uchun mo'ljallangan.

-Bu sovutgich xususiyatlari ushbu ko'rsatmalarda bayon qilingan xususiyatlardan bir oz farq qilishi mumkin.

1. 4 ta murvatni bo'shatib olgandan keyin ilmoq qopqog'ini ajratib oling.

2.Ilmoq qopqog'i ichida joylashgan elektr simlarini uzing.

3.10 mm o'lchamli universal kalit bilan sovutgich tepasida joylashgan 3 ta boltni bo'shating. Eshik mahkam yopilganiga ishonch hosil qiling.

4.Uni yuqoriga ko'targan holda sovutgich eshigini ajratib oling. Sovutgich eshigi tushirib ketishi va yuzasi tirnalishidan ehtiyot bo'ling.


O’zbekcha - 19

DA99-03458B-21.indb 19

15. 5. 14. ￿￿ 1:18

Page 73
Image 73
Samsung RL50RQERS1/BWT, RL50RECMG1/BWT manual Eshik Tutqichini Almashtirish, Suv baki, Sovutgich bilan birga berilmaydi


The Samsung RL50RGERS1/BWT is a refrigerator that combines elegance with innovative technology to meet the needs of modern households. Known for its spacious interior and robust features, this refrigerator is designed to make food storage both efficient and convenient.

One of the standout features of the RL50RGERS1/BWT is its impressive capacity. With a total net capacity of around 500 liters, it offers ample space for all types of food items, from fresh fruits and vegetables to large containers and bottles. The adjustable shelves provide flexibility, allowing users to customize their storage setup according to their needs.

This model is equipped with Samsung's No Frost technology, which prevents the formation of ice in both the fridge and freezer compartments. This feature not only eliminates the need for manual defrosting but also ensures optimal airflow, maintaining a constant temperature throughout. Consequently, this helps in preserving the freshness of food for a longer period.

Another significant characteristic of the RL50RGERS1/BWT is its Energy Efficiency Rating. Designed with energy-saving technologies, it operates quietly while consuming minimal electricity. This not only helps in reducing household energy bills but also contributes to a greener environment.

The refrigerator features a sophisticated digital inverter compressor that intelligently adjusts its speed based on the cooling demand. This ensures efficient cooling while minimizing noise and wear and tear on the compressor, enhancing its lifespan significantly.

In terms of usability, the RL50RGERS1/BWT incorporates a user-friendly digital display that allows for easy temperature control and monitoring. This interface makes it straightforward to adjust settings and access various modes, ensuring users have complete control over their appliance.

Additionally, this refrigerator includes a germ-resistant and anti-bacterial door seal that helps maintain hygiene by preventing the entry of bacteria and dust. The LED lighting provides ample illumination, making it easy to find items even in low light.

Overall, the Samsung RL50RGERS1/BWT is an ideal choice for families looking for a reliable and feature-rich refrigerator. Its blend of stylish design, advanced technology, and user-centric features makes it a valuable addition to any kitchen, ensuring that food storage is not only convenient but also efficient.