nosozliklarni bartaraf qilish



Sovutgich umuman

Elektr manbasiga ulash kabelining vilkasi to'g'ri ulanganini tekshiring.

ishlamayapti yoki

Old panelda haroratni boshqarish to'g'ri o'rnatilganmi?

harorat juda baland.

Sovutgichga quyosh urlari tushib turibdimi yoki yaqin atrofda isitish



manbalari mavjudmi?


Sovutgichning orqa paneli devorga juda ham yaqin joylashtirilmaganmi?




Sovutgichdagi mahsulot

Old panelda haroratni boshqarish eng sovuq haroratga o'rnatilganmi?

muzlab qolgan.

Atrofdagi harorat juda pastmi?


Siz sovutgichga issiq taomni joylashtirganmisiz?




G'alati tovushlar

Sovutgichning qattiq, tekis pol yuzasiga o'rnatilganini tekshiring.


Sovutgichning orqa paneli devorga juda ham yaqin joylashtirilmaganmi?


Sovutgichning orqasiga yoki tagiga boshqa buyumlar tushib





Sovutgich kompressoridan kelaytgan shovqin bormi?


Jihoz ichidan tiqillagan tovush chiqishi mumkin; bu oddiy hol.



Bu tovush turli yordamchi qurilmalar qisilganda yoki kengayganda hosil







Sovutgichning old

Suv tomchilari hosil bo'lishi oldini olish uchun qurilmaning old

burchaklari va yon


burchaklariga issiqqa chidamli trubkalar o'rnatilgan.

tomonlarida iliq hamda


Atrofdagi harorat ko'tarilishi bilan bu doim ham samara bermasligi

ularda suv tomchilari


mumkin. Biroq bu odatdan tashqari hol emas.

hosil bo'la boshladi.

Namlik juda baland bo'lgan ob-havo sharoitlarida havo tarkibidagi



namlik jihozning sovuq yuzasiga tekkanda sovutgichning tashqi



yuzasida suiv tomchilari vujudga kelishi mumkin.




Jihozdan suyuqlikning



shildiragan tovushi

Bu sovutgich ichini sovituvchi sovitish moddasidir.

eshitilishi mumkin.






Sovutgich ichidan

Oziq-ovqat mahsulotlari mahkam yopilmagan.

yomon hid kelyapti.

Oziq-ovqat mahsulotlari o'ralgani va sovuq kirishi tirqishi toza ekanini








Havo chiqarish tirqishi tiqilib qolmaganmi?

devorlarida muz qatlami

Havo almashishini yaxshilash uchun mahsulotlar orasida iloji boricha

hosil bo'ldi.


ko'proq joy qoldiring.


Eshik zich yopilganmi?




Tomchi sovutgichning

Bu tarkibida suv miqdori yuqori bo'lgan mahsulotlar o'ralmagan

ichki devorlari va


holda namlik darajasi yuqoriligicha joylashtirilgan yoki eshik-uzoq vaqt

sabzavotlar atrofida


davomida ochiq qoldirilgan hollarda yuz beradi.

hosil bo'lyapti.

Oziq-ovqat mahsulotlarini o'ralgan yoki germetik idishlarga solingan



holda joylashtiring.




O’zbekcha - 22

DA99-03458B-21.indb 22

15. 5. 14. ￿￿ 1:18

Page 76
Image 76
Samsung RL50RFBSW1/BWT Sovutgichdagi mahsulot, Sovutgichning orqasiga yoki tagiga boshqa buyumlar tushib, Ketmaganmi?


The Samsung RL50RGERS1/BWT is a refrigerator that combines elegance with innovative technology to meet the needs of modern households. Known for its spacious interior and robust features, this refrigerator is designed to make food storage both efficient and convenient.

One of the standout features of the RL50RGERS1/BWT is its impressive capacity. With a total net capacity of around 500 liters, it offers ample space for all types of food items, from fresh fruits and vegetables to large containers and bottles. The adjustable shelves provide flexibility, allowing users to customize their storage setup according to their needs.

This model is equipped with Samsung's No Frost technology, which prevents the formation of ice in both the fridge and freezer compartments. This feature not only eliminates the need for manual defrosting but also ensures optimal airflow, maintaining a constant temperature throughout. Consequently, this helps in preserving the freshness of food for a longer period.

Another significant characteristic of the RL50RGERS1/BWT is its Energy Efficiency Rating. Designed with energy-saving technologies, it operates quietly while consuming minimal electricity. This not only helps in reducing household energy bills but also contributes to a greener environment.

The refrigerator features a sophisticated digital inverter compressor that intelligently adjusts its speed based on the cooling demand. This ensures efficient cooling while minimizing noise and wear and tear on the compressor, enhancing its lifespan significantly.

In terms of usability, the RL50RGERS1/BWT incorporates a user-friendly digital display that allows for easy temperature control and monitoring. This interface makes it straightforward to adjust settings and access various modes, ensuring users have complete control over their appliance.

Additionally, this refrigerator includes a germ-resistant and anti-bacterial door seal that helps maintain hygiene by preventing the entry of bacteria and dust. The LED lighting provides ample illumination, making it easy to find items even in low light.

Overall, the Samsung RL50RGERS1/BWT is an ideal choice for families looking for a reliable and feature-rich refrigerator. Its blend of stylish design, advanced technology, and user-centric features makes it a valuable addition to any kitchen, ensuring that food storage is not only convenient but also efficient.