Samsung RS57K4000WW/WT, RS57K4000SA/WT Tashish va joylashuvdagi jiddiy ogohlantirish belgilari

Models: RS57K4000WW/WT RS57K4000SA/WT

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Tashish va joylashuvdagi jiddiy ogohlantirish belgilari


Moslamani bir joydan ikkinchi joyga tashish va so'ng o'rnatishda jihoz sovitish tizimining hech bir joyi shikastlanmaganligini tekshirish borasida ehtiyot choralari ko'rilishi lozim.

-Naychalardan oqib chiqayotgan sovitish moddasi yonib ketishi yoki ko'zni jarohatlashi mumkin. Agar suyuqlik oqishi aniqlansa, ochiq olovdan yoki yonishi ehtimoliga ega narsalardan darhol uzoqlashing va jihoz turgan xonani bir necha daqiqa shamollating.

-Ushbu jihoz tarkibida kam miqdordagi izobutan (R-600a) muzlatish moddasi bor, u atrof- muhitga mutlaqo zarar yetkazmaydigan tabiiy gazdir, biroq u ham yonuvchan. Muzlatgich kamerasini bir joydan ikkinchi joyga tashish va so'ng o'rnatishda jihoz sovitish zanjirining hech bir joyi shikastlanmaganligini tekshirish borasida ehtiyot choralari ko'rilishi lozim.

Muzlatgichni tashish yoki o‘rnatish chog‘ida orqa tomonidagi suv shlangiga tegmang.

-Bunda muzlatgichga zarar yetib, suv dispenseri ishlamay qolishi mumkin.

O'rnatish bo'yicha jiddiy ogohlantirishlar


Muzlatgichni nam yoki unga suv tegishi mumkin bo'lgan joylarga o'rnatmang.

-Elektr qismlaridagi qoplamaning shikastlanishi elektr toki urishiga yoki yong'inga sabab bo'lishi mumkin.

Ushbu muzlatgichni bevosita quyosh nuri ostiga yoki plita, uy isitgichi va shu kabi boshqa issiqlik chiqazadigan jihozlar oldiga joylashtirmang.

Bir qancha jihozni bitta elektr quvvat tarmog'iga ulangan bir necha rozetkalar uyasiga ulamang. Muzlatgich har doim alohida elektr rozetkasiga ulangan holda turishi va undagi quvvat kuchlanishi zavod taxtachasida qayd etilgan kuchlanishga mos kelishi kerak.

-Bu yuqori darajada xizmat ko'rsatish samaradorligini ta'minlaydi hamda uydagi elektr quvvat zanjirlarining ortiqcha yuklanishi oldini oladi. Yuklanish o'z o'rnida simlarning qizib ketishiga

va natijada yong'in chiqish xavfini tug'dirishiga olib kelishi mumkin.

Agar devordagi rozetka bo'shab qolgan bo'lsa, unga elektr quvvat vilkasini tiqmang.

- Chunki yong'in chiqishi yoki elektr toki urish xavfi mavjud.

Uzunligi bo'ylab yoki ikki uchida shikastlangan yoki shilingan joylarga ega kabeldan foydalanmang.

Elektr quvvat kabelini bukmang yoki uning ustiga og'ir buyumlarni joylashtirmang.

Elektr kabelini tortmang yoki haddan ziyod bukmang.

Elektr kabelini buramang yoki tugmang.

Elektr kabelini metal narsalarga ildirmang, ustiga og'ir narsani qo'ymang, narsalar orasiga kiritmang yoki jihoz orqasidagi joyga tiqmang.

Texnika xavfsizligi bo‘yicha ma‘lumotlar

O'zbek  5 

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2016-03-17 ￿￿ 6:19:12

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Samsung RS57K4000WW/WT Tashish va joylashuvdagi jiddiy ogohlantirish belgilari, Ornatish boyicha jiddiy ogohlantirishlar

RS57K4000WW/WT, RS57K4000SA/WT specifications

The Samsung RS57K4000SA/WT and RS57K4000WW/WT are two impressive side-by-side refrigerators that combine sleek design with innovative technology, making them popular choices for modern kitchens. Both models are distinguished by their spacious interiors and user-friendly features, catering to families and individuals alike.

One of the standout features of these models is their large capacity, offering ample storage space for both fresh and frozen foods. The RS57K4000SA/WT provides a total net capacity of 570 liters, while the RS57K4000WW/WT matches this impressive figure. This generous space allows for efficient organization with adjustable shelves and multiple door bins, accommodating items of varying sizes and shapes.

These refrigerators incorporate Samsung's Twin Cooling Plus technology. This system maintains optimal humidity levels in both the refrigerator and freezer compartments, preventing odors from mixing while preserving the freshness of food for longer periods. This technology enhances the overall food storage experience, ensuring that fruits, vegetables, and other perishables remain crisp and flavorful.

Energy efficiency is another key characteristic of the RS57K4000 models. Both units carry an energy rating that reflects their commitment to sustainability, helping consumers save on electricity costs while reducing their environmental impact. The efficient LED lighting illuminates the interior, ensuring that every corner is visible while consuming minimal energy.

Another feature worth highlighting is the sleek and modern design of these refrigerators. The stainless steel and white finishes are not just aesthetically pleasing; they are also designed for easy maintenance and cleaning. The exterior is fingerprint-resistant, ensuring that the refrigerators maintain their pristine appearance even with daily use.

In terms of convenience, these models come equipped with features such as an ice and water dispenser, providing homeowners with fresh ice and filtered water at their fingertips. Additionally, the easy-to-use digital display and temperature controls allow for precise adjustments to ensure that food is stored at optimal temperatures.

In summary, the Samsung RS57K4000SA/WT and RS57K4000WW/WT refrigerators epitomize modern kitchen innovation with their spacious designs, advanced cooling technologies, energy efficiency, and user-friendly features. These models not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of any kitchen but also provide practical solutions for everyday food storage needs.