English _53
! weB viewer
clieNt setuP
Allows you to add/edit information necessary for network connection of the Web Viewer.
web viewer setup
to register a web site
Click <clieNt setuP>.
Click <reGisteriNG site>.
The “clieNt setuP” screen appears.
Provide information about the site to register.
ADDRESS: Enter the IP address that you specifi ed in
the DVR.
PORT: Enter the port number that you specifi ed in the
LOCATION: Enter the location name that is registered
with the server.
USER ID/PASSWORD: Enter the user ID and password
that you specifi ed in the DVR.
Click <OK>.
A list of registered sites will be displayed.
Click <uPDate> if you want to change information of a REGISTERED SITE.
DELETE: You can delete a site in the REGISTERED SITE list.
OK: You can select and connect to a site in the registered site list.
CANCEL: Cancels your settings in CLIENT SETUP.
02489A_SHR-3040_ENG.indb 53 2009-11-10 오후 2:14:09