Special Features
Some Important Notes About Parental Locks (“P.Locks”)
Explanation of the MPAA and TV(FCC) Rating Codes:
TV (FCC) Age Categories
TV-MA Mature audiences only. This pro-
gram may contain mature themes, profane
language, graphic violence and explicit
sexual content.
TV-14 Parents strongly cautioned. This pro-
gram may contain sophisticated themes,
sexual content, strong language and more
intense violence.
TV-PG Parental guidance suggested. The
program may contain infrequent coarse lan-
guage, limited violence, some suggestive
sexual dialogue and situations.
TV-G General audience. It contains little
or no violence, no strong language, and lit-
tle or no sexual dialogue or situations.
TV-Y7 Directed to older children. Themes
and elements in this program may include
mild physical or comedic violence, or may
frighten children under the age of seven.
TV-Y All children. The themes and elements
in this program are specifically designed
for a very young audience, including chil-
dren from ages two – six.
* TV (FCC) Guidelines: The particular rating that you select will be locked (indicated by a red “L”
on a blue background). Also, within the particular group (i.e., “group 1” or “group 2”) all of the
more-restrictive ratings will also be locked.
Suppose, for example, the TV-G rating and all of its V, S, L, and D sub-categories are locked. In
that case, all of the “more restrictive” ratings (TV-PG, TV-14 and TV-MA) and all of their V, S, L,
and D sub-categories are automatically locked out as well.
* MPAA ratings: The particular rating that you select will be locked (field changes to red color). In
addition, any ratings that are more restrictive will also be blocked.
* Neither the TV (FCC) nor MPAA ratings apply to news broadcasts.
TV (FCC) Sub-categories for content:
SSexual content.
LOffensive language.
DDialogue...sexual innuendo.
FV Fantasy or cartoon violence.
The MPAA Rating System (Movies)
GGeneral audience. No restriction.
PG Children under 13 should be
accompanied by an adult.
PG-13 Parental guidance suggested.
Children under 13 should be
accompanied by an adult.
RRestricted. Viewers should be 17
or older.
NC-17 Not classified. Viewers should be
17 or older.
XAdults only.