
Search: Search for files or folders.

View by: Change the view mode.

Sort by: Sort files or folders.

Settings: Change the file manager settings.

Select a file or folder by ticking, and then use one of the following functions:

: Delete files or folders.

: Send files to others or share them.

Move: Move files or folders to another folder.

Copy: Copy files or folders to another folder.

Rename: Rename a file or folder.

Details: View file or folder details.

Adding shortcuts to folders

Add a shortcut of frequently-used folders to the root directory. Tap Add shortcut, enter a shortcut name, tap OK, select a folder, and then tap Set here.


Use this application to see what files are downloaded through the applications. Tap Downloads on the Applications screen.

This application may not be available depending on the region or service provider.

To see the files downloaded from the Internet, tap Internet downloads, otherwise, tap Other downloads to see the files downloaded from other applications, such as Email.

Select a file to open it with an appropriate application. To sort the files by size, tap Sort by size.

To sort the files by date, tap Sort by date.