
Voice Search

Use this application to search webpages by speaking.

Tap Voice Search on the Applications screen.

This application may not be available depending on the region or service provider.

Speak a keyword or phrase when Speak now appears on the screen.

My Files

Use this application to access all kinds of files stored in the device, including images, videos, songs, and sound clips.

Tap My Files on the Applications screen.

Viewing files

Select a category and then tap a folder to open it. To view the uploaded photos or videos in Dropbox, tap Dropbox, and then sign in to your Dropbox account.

In a folder, tap , and then use one of the following options:

Add FTP: Add an FTP server shortcut to the shortcuts area.

Select item: Select files or folders.

Sort by: Sort files or folders.

Add shortcut: Add a shortcut of the folder to the shortcuts area.

Scan for Nearby Devices: Search for devices that have media sharing activated.

Settings: Change the file manager settings.

Searching for a file

Tap , tap the search field at the top of the screen, and then enter search criteria.