
Samsung Smart Scroll

Use this feature to scroll the screen up or down by tilting your head or the device.

On the Home screen, tap Settings Controls Smart screen Smart scroll, and then drag the Smart scroll switch to the right. Tap Smart scroll, and then select a scroll type.

When you are viewing emails or webpages, the scroll type icon ( for head orientation) that shows the recognition status for movements appears.

When the device recognises your head or device’s movements, the icon is changed to or

. Then, tilt your head downward or upward, or tilt the device forward or backward to scroll in that direction.

Activating Multi Window

Use this feature to run two applications on the screen at the same time.

Only applications on the Multi Window panel can run.

When launching applications that contain multimedia files, such as music or videos, one file will be played, the other file will be paused.

This feature may not be available depending on the region or service provider.

To use Multi Window, on the Applications screen, tap Settings Device Multi window, and then drag the Multi window switch to the right.