
Editing a chart

To edit a chart, tap the chart or table →Edit chart, and then use the following options:

Tap at the top left of the screen to change the chart type.

Tap an item, and tap , and then write values, to correct with your finger or the S Pen.

The available options may vary depending on the chart type.

Using idea sketch

Tap Idea Sketch, and then write a keyword or select category to search for images. To add your own sketches to the list, tap , and then draw an image in the sketch panel.

Viewing note pages

When viewing pages, tap to use the following options:

Delete: Delete the page.

Share via: Send the page to others.

Export: Save the page as an image file or a PDF file.

Edit pages: Add or delete pages.

Add tag: Add a tag to the page.

Index page: Add an index to the page.

Add shortcut to home: Add a shortcut to the page on the Home screen.

Print: Print the page via a USB or Wi-Fi connection. Some printers may not be compatible with the device.

Save as: Save the page with a different name.

Set as: Set the note as wallpaper or assign it to a contact.