
Nearby devices

Device name: View the device name.

Content to share: Set the device to share your content with other devices.

Allowed devices: View the list of devices that can access your device.

Denied devices: View the list of devices that are blocked from accessing your device.

Download to: Select a memory location for saving media files.

Receive files from other devices: Set the device to accept uploads from other devices.

Screen Mirroring

Activate the screen mirroring feature and share your display with others.


Sounds and notifications

Change settings for various sounds on the device.

Vibrate when ringing: Set the device to vibrate and play a ringtone for incoming calls.

Ringtones: Add or select a ringtone for incoming calls.

Vibrations: Add or select a vibration pattern.

Notification ringtone: Select a ringtone for events, such as incoming messages and missed calls.

App notifications: Change the notification settings for each application.

Adapt Sound: Personalise the sound for the ear you use most while listening to music.