Managing groups
On the Apps screen, tap Contacts →GROUPS.
Creating a new group
Tap , enter a group name, and then tap SAVE.
Adding contacts to a group
Select a group, and then tap →Add member. Select contacts to add, and then tap DONE.
Deleting a group
Tap →Delete groups, select
Sending a message or email to group members
Select a group, tap →Send message or Send email, select members, tap DONE, enter a message, and then tap the send button.
Merging contacts with accounts
Merge contacts that are saved in the device with your accounts.
On the Apps screen, tap Contacts →CONTACTS.
Importing and exporting contacts
Import contacts from storage services to your device or export contacts from the device to storage services.
On the Apps screen, tap Contacts →CONTACTS.
Tap →Settings →Import/Export contacts, and then select an import or export option.