Shooting modes
Use this mode to allow the camera to evaluate the surroundings and determine the ideal mode for the photo.
On the Apps screen, tap Camera →MODE →Auto.
Beauty face
Use this mode to take a photo with lightened faces for gentler images. On the Apps screen, tap Camera →MODE →Beauty face.
Shot & more
Use this mode to take a series of photos and modify them by applying various effects using the shooting modes. The device identifies the photos with in Gallery.
The zoom function is not available while taking photos in this mode.
Tap Camera on the Apps screen.
Tap MODE →Shot & more.Tap .
The device takes a series of photos and displays the available shooting modes.
4 Select a shooting mode and apply an effect to the photos.
•Best photo: Take a series of photos and save the best one. To view other photos in the series, scroll left or right. The device recommends the best photo and identifies it with .