- Menu Configuration
User ID Decide the ID of the person you want to register.
Password Decide the password of the person you want to register.
Confirm Type again the password of the person you want to register.
Full Name Type in the name of the person you want to register.
Add This is a menu to register a user. It is to fix the user’s ID, Password,
name, and the authority of the user how far he/she can use the system.
- Type in the user’s ID in the User ID column.
- Type in a password in the Password and Confirm
columns. The user’s ID and the password should be com-
posed of 31 or less numerals or letters.
- Type in the name of the user in Full Name column.
Edit On this menu, you can change the existing password, name, and
access right of the user.
The user’s ID cannot be changed. The configuration of the menu is
same as Add, however you should select the user’s ID on this menu.
- Choose Edit menu.
- Click “Select User ID” in User ID and click the user’s
ID you want to edit.
- Modify the password, name, and access right of the user
and click Apply button to apply the modified items.
Delete This menu is to delete the registered user.
- Choose Delete menu.
- Choose the user’s ID you want to delete in the box.
- Click Delete button to delete the ID.
- Click Save button to complete registration.
After completing setting, click Apply button.
If you click the back button, initial values are typed in all fields.
SSC21WEB-2 2004.8.25 6:32 PM Page 59