Important Reminders
While Taking a Measurement
✓Sit with your legs uncrossed and your feet flat on the floor.
✓For consistency, it's a good idea to measure you blood pressure using the same arm and at about the same time each day. If possible, we suggest using the left arm.
✓Relax. Sit still and quietly while measuring. Talking or moving may elevate measurements. Do not touch the cuff or monitor during the measurement.
✓When taking multiple measurement right after each other, make to wait at least
mal state.
Applying the Cuff
1.Before taking a measure ment, read the Important Reminders on pages
2.If you are wearing a long sleeved shirt, roll up the sleeve, but make sure that it is not constricting circulation to your arm. Remove any jewelry or watches.
3.With your palm facing up, place the monitor on your wrist. Secure the cuff around your wrist using the velcro so it fits securely but is not too tight.
4.Place your arm on a table. The monitor should be facing you. It is important to make sure that the wrist cuff is at the same level as your heart.