Papildu informācija


Risinājumi un skaidrojumi

Iestatījumi tiek pazaudēti pēc 30 minūtēm

• Ja televizors ir režīmā Sagl. dem., tas atiestatīs audio un attēla iestatījumus ik pēc 30 minūtēm.

vai katru reizi, kad televizors tiek izslēgts.

Mainiet iestatījumus no režīma Sagl. dem. uz režīmu Lietošana mājās, izmantojot procedūru Plug &


Play (Sākotnējā uzstādīšana). Nospiediet pogu SOURCE, lai izvēlētos režīmu TV, un izvēlieties MENU


→ Uzstādīšana → Plug & Play (Sākotnējā uzstādīšana) → ENTERE(7. lpp.).

Saraustīts audio vai video zudums.

• Pārbaudiet kabeļu savienojumus un savienojiet tos no jauna.


• Audio vai video zudumu var izraisīt pārāk stingri vai resni kabeļi. Pārliecinieties, ka kabeļi ir pietiekoši


elastīgi, lai tos varētu izmantot ilgtermiņā. Ja uzstādāt televizoru pie sienas, mēs iesakām izmantot


kabeļus ar 90 grādu savienotājiem.



Ja ciešāk pavērosiet televizora ekrāna

• Tā ir izstrādājuma dizaina daļa, nevis defekts.

ietvara malu, redzēsit mazas daļiņas.




PIP izvēlne nav pieejama.

• PIP funkcionalitāte ir pieejama tikai, ja skatāties HDMI, datora vai komponenšu avotu (21. lpp.).



Parādās ziņojums “Traucēts signāls” vai

• Ja izmantojat CAM KARTI (CI/CI+), pārbaudiet vai tā ir uzstādīta kopējās saskarnes slotā. Ja

“Vājš signāls/nav signāla”.

problēma joprojām pastāv izvelciet CAM KARTI no televizora un no jauna ievietojiet to slotā.



Jūs izslēdzāt televizoru pirms 45 minūtēm,

• Tas ir normāli. Televizors pats darbina funkciju OTA (Over The Aerial), lai jauninātu programmaparatūru,

taču tas no jauna ir ieslēdzies.

kas lejupielādēta, kamēr skatāties televīziju.



Rodas attēla/skaņas atkārtošanās

• Pārbaudiet un mainiet signālu/avotu.





Iespējama reakcija starp gumijas

• Lai novērstu šo problēmu, izmantojiet filca starplikas uz televizora virsmas, kas var nonākt tiešā

amortizatoriem uz statīva pamatnes un cita

saskarē ar inventāru.

inventāra apdares materiālu.




Šis TFT LED panelis izmanto paneli, kas sastāv no apakšpikseļiem, kuru ražošanā tiek izmantota sarežģīta tehnoloģija. Taču ekrānā var būt redzami daži spilgti vai tumši pikseļi. Šie pikseļi neietekmē izstrādājuma darbību.

¦¦ Licence

Ražots saskaņā ar Dolby Laboratories licenci. Dolby un dubultā D simbols ir Dolby Laboratories preču zīmes.

Manufactured under licence under U.S. Patent #’s: 5,451,942; 5,956,674; 5,974,380; 5,978,762; 6,487,535 & other U.S. and worldwide patents issued & pending. DTS and the Symbol are registered trademarks. & DTS 2.0+ Digital Out and the DTS logos are trademarks of DTS, Inc. Product Includes software. © DTS, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

DivX Certified to play DivX video up to HD 1080p, including premium content.

ABOUT DIVX VIDEO: DivX® is a digital video format created by DivX,Inc. This is an official DivX Certified device that plays DivX video. Visit for more information and software tools to convert your files into DivX video. ABOUT DIVX VIDEO-ON-DEMAND: This DivX Certified® device must be registered in order to play DivX Video-on- Demand (VOD) content. To generate the registration code, locate the DivX VOD section in the device setup menu. Go to with this code to complete the registration process and learn more about DivX VOD.

Pat. 7,295,673; 7,460,688; 7,519,274

40 Latviski

Page 82
Image 82
Samsung UE26C4000PWXRU, UE22C4010PWXBT Kabeļus ar 90 grādu savienotājiem, Tā ir izstrādājuma dizaina daļa, nevis defekts

UE26C4000PWXBT, UE22C4000PWXBT, UE22C4010PWXRU, UE22C4010PWXBT, UE22C4000PWXRU specifications

The Samsung UE26C4000PWXZG and its related models, including the UE22C4010PWXZG, UE22C4000PWXXC, UE26C4005PWXXE, and UE26C4000PWXRU, represent a well-rounded selection of compact LED televisions designed to deliver great performance in smaller spaces. Ideal for bedrooms, kitchens, or smaller living areas, these models combine technology and features to enhance the viewing experience while fitting seamlessly into any environment.

These Samsung TVs feature a sleek and modern design, with slim bezels that maximize the screen size while minimizing the overall footprint. The 26-inch and 22-inch displays offer vibrant images and dynamic colors, making them perfect for casual viewing and home entertainment. Samsung's LED technology enhances color accuracy and brightness, ensuring that images appear sharp and vivid, even in well-lit rooms.

One of the standout features of these models is the Clear Motion Rate technology, which effectively reduces blurring during fast-moving scenes. This is particularly beneficial for sports enthusiasts or action movie fans, as it ensures a smoother and more fluid viewing experience. Paired with a high contrast ratio, these TVs deliver deep blacks and bright whites, enhancing the overall picture quality.

The connectivity options available across these models are impressive. They typically include multiple HDMI ports and a USB connection, allowing users to easily connect devices such as Blu-ray players, gaming consoles, or flash drives. Additionally, the TVs offer support for various multimedia formats, ensuring that users can enjoy their favorite content without compatibility issues.

Energy efficiency is another important aspect of these Samsung models. Designed with eco-friendly features, these TVs consume less power while delivering great performance, making them an environmentally conscious choice.

Smart features are also included in certain models, enabling users to access popular streaming services and applications. This offers a
versatile entertainment experience without the need for additional devices.

In summary, the Samsung UE26C4000PWXZG, UE22C4010PWXZG, UE22C4000PWXXC, UE26C4005PWXXE, and UE26C4000PWXRU bring together advanced technologies and practical features in a compact design. They are well-suited for various viewing environments, making them an excellent choice for consumers looking for quality performance in smaller television screens.