Pričvršćivanje televizora na zid

Oprez: Vučenje, guranje ili penjanje na televizor može da dovede do pada televizora. Posebno vodite računa da se deca ne kače za televizor i da ga ne pomeraju. U suprotnom, televizor može da se prevrne i izazove ozbiljne telesne povrede, pa čak i sa smrtnim ishodom. Pratite sve bezbednosne mere opreza navedene u brošuri sa bezbednosnim uputstvima koju ste dobili sa televizorom. Radi dodatne stabilnosti i bezbednosti, možete da kupite i instalirate uređaj protiv pada na sledeći način.

Da biste sprečili pad televizora

1.Stavite zavrtnje u držače i dobro ih pričvrstite za zid. Proverite da li su zavrtnji

pravilno pričvršćeni za zid.

-- U zavisnosti od tipa zida, možda će vam biti potreban dodatni materijal, kao što su tiplovi.

-- Pošto se potrebni držači, zavrtnji i žica ne dobijaju u kompletu, kupite ih odvojeno.

2.Skinite zavrtnje sa sredine zadnje strane televizora, stavite ih u držače, a zatim ih ponovo pričvrstite na televizor.

-- Zavrtnji se možda ne dobijaju uz proizvod. U tom slučaju, kupite zavrtnje


sledećih specifikacija.


-- Specifikacije zavrtanja: Za modele od 40 ~ 48 inča: M8


3. Jakom žicom povežite držače koji su pričvršćeni na televizor i držače koji su


montirani na zid, a zatim čvrsto vežite žicu.


-- Instalirajte televizor blizu zida, tako da ne može da padne unazad.


-- Bezbedno povezivanje žicom podrazumeva da držači na zidu budu u


istom nivou ili niže od držača na televizoru.

-- Odvežite žicu pre pomeranja televizora.

4.Proverite da li su svi materijali za povezivanje dobro pričvršćeni. Povremeno proverite da materijali za povezivanje nisu oštećeni. Ako niste sigurni da li ste bezbedno pričvrstili televizor, obratite se profesionalnom tehničkom licu.

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Samsung UE48H4203AWXXH manual Pričvršćivanje televizora na zid, Držač kablova služi da uredno prikupite kablove

UE48H4203AWXXH specifications

The Samsung UE48H4203AWXXH is a versatile and reliable LED television that delivers a commendable viewing experience for enthusiasts of entertainment and casual viewers alike. This model, featuring a 48-inch screen, is part of Samsung's H4203 series and showcases a blend of advanced technology and user-friendly features, making it a great option for those seeking quality without excessive complexity.

One of the standout aspects of the UE48H4203AWXXH is its Full HD resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels. This allows for vibrant colors and crisp detail, ensuring that viewers can enjoy their favorite movies, shows, and games in sharp clarity. The television employs Samsung's Wide Color Enhancer technology, which enhances the color spectrum and improves color performance. This feature guarantees more lifelike images, making for a truly immersive viewing experience.

The design of the UE48H4203AWXXH is sleek and understated, featuring a slim bezel that maximizes screen space, allowing the viewer to focus on the content without distractions. The stand is sturdy, supporting the TV effectively while adding to its aesthetic appeal. The straightforward layout makes it easy to integrate into any living space.

Connectivity is another feature that stands out with this model. The television comes equipped with multiple HDMI ports, allowing users to connect various devices such as gaming consoles, Blu-ray players, and sound systems with ease. An additional USB port provides the option for direct playback of multimedia files from external drives, enhancing convenience for users who enjoy sharing home videos or photos on the big screen.

The television also includes a suite of Samsung’s Smart features, which provide access to a range of online streaming services and apps. This capability allows viewers to watch their favorite shows and movies on platforms such as Netflix and YouTube seamlessly. The built-in tuner enables access to digital terrestrial broadcasts without the need for additional equipment.

Audio performance in the UE48H4203AWXXH is equally commendable, with built-in speakers that produce clear sound to complement the visual experience. Additionally, it supports various sound modes, allowing users to tailor audio output to their preferences.

Overall, the Samsung UE48H4203AWXXH is a well-rounded LED television that combines solid performance, user-friendly features, and modern design, making it an excellent choice for anyone looking to enhance their home entertainment setup.