Sigurnosne mjere opreza: Postavljanje televizora na zid

Oprez: Potezanje, guranje ili penjanje na televizor može uzrokovati njegov pad. Naročito pripazite da se djeca ne ljuljaju na televizoru i da ga ne destabiliziraju. To može dovesti do prevrtanja televizora i rezultirati ozbiljnim ozljedama ili smrću. Slijedite sve sigurnosne upute navedene u sigurnosnom letku koji je isporučen s televizorom. Radi povećanja stabilnosti i sigurnosti montirajte uređaj protiv pada kao što je opisano u nastavku.

Sprječavanje pada televizora

Ovo su općenite upute. Tvrtka Samsung ne isporučuje kopče, vijke i kabel. To se mora odvojeno kupiti. Preporučujemo da za postavljanja specifičnog hardvera i hardvera za sprječavanje pada kontaktirate servis za montiranje ili profesionalnog montažera televizora.

1.Vijke umetnite u kopče i dobro ih pričvrstite na zid. Provjerite jesu li vijci čvrsto postavljeni na zid.

-- Ovisno o vrsti zida, možda će vam zatrebati dodatni materijal, poput kotve.

2. Izvadite vijke iz središnjeg dijela na stražnjoj strani televizora, umetnite ih u kopče i zatim ponovo zategnite vijke u televizor.

-- Vijci možda nisu isporučeni iz proizvod. U tom slučaju nabavite vijke sa sljedećim specifikacijama.

3.Kopče pričvršćene na stražnjoj strani televizora i kopče pričvršćene na zid povežite snažnom izdržljivom uzicom i zatim je čvrsto zavežite.

-- Televizor postavite blizu zida kako ne bi pao prema natrag.

-- Povežite uzicu tako da kopče pričvršćene na zid budu na istoj ili nižoj visini od kopči pričvršćenih na stražnjoj strani televizora.

-- Prije premještanja televizora odvežite kabel.

4.Provjerite jesu li svi spojevi ispravno pričvršćeni. Povremeno provjerite spojeve i potražite znakove zamora materijala ili oštećenja. Ako sumnjate u sigurnost spojeva, obratite se profesionalnom montažeru.

Raspoređivanje kabela pomoću vodilica za kabele


Hrvatski - 13

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Samsung UE78JS9500LXXH manual Sigurnosne mjere opreza Postavljanje televizora na zid, Sprječavanje pada televizora

UE65JS9500LXXN, UE88JS9502TXXH, UE78JS9500LXXN, UE78JS9502TXXH, UE65JS9502TXXH specifications

The Samsung UE78JS9500TXZF, UE65JS9505QXXE, UE65JS9500LXXH, UE88JS9580QXZG, and UE78JS9500TXZT are part of Samsung's premium Ultra HD 4K line of televisions that epitomize cutting-edge display technologies and user-friendly features. Each model caters to distinct viewing preferences while offering exceptional quality and performance.

These televisions leverage Samsung's proprietary Quantum Dot technology, delivering vibrant and accurate colors that enhance the viewing experience. This technology allows for a broader color spectrum and improves color volume, ensuring that colors remain true-to-life regardless of the brightness level. With 4K Ultra HD resolution at 3840 x 2160 pixels, viewers can enjoy detailed imagery with stunning clarity.

The models also feature Samsung’s Precision Black technology, which deepens the blacks and increases contrast, producing deeper shadows without sacrificing details. Coupled with SUHD Re-mastering Engine, this technology ensures that even non-4K content looks stunning, as it upscales lower resolution images to nearly 4K quality.

Smart functionality is another highlight across these models, powered by Samsung's Tizen operating system. Users can easily navigate through various apps, streaming services, and smart home integrations, elevating the convenience of modern television watching using the intuitive Smart Hub interface.

In terms of design, these televisions feature a sleek and modern aesthetic, with ultra-slim bezels that maximize screen space and create an immersive viewing experience. Additional functionalities include the One Connect box, which provides simplified connections for all devices, supporting a clutter-free home entertainment setup.

Audio quality is not overlooked, with built-in Dolby Digital Plus and DTS codecs providing rich and immersive sound to complement the stunning visuals. Many of these models support object-based audio formats, further enhancing the cinematic experience.

Additionally, features such as Auto Depth Enhancer and Peak Illuminator enhance the viewing experience by optimizing image detail dynamically, refining depth, and improving the brightness of key areas on the screen.

Overall, the Samsung UE78JS9500TXZF, UE65JS9505QXXE, UE65JS9500LXXH, UE88JS9580QXZG, and UE78JS9500TXZT represent a blend of form and function, merging state-of-the-art technology with superior design to create an unparalleled viewing experience, making them prime choices for any home theater enthusiast.