Samsung VP-D107I manual Slow Shutter Low Shutter Speed

Models: VP-D107 VP-D107I

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Advanced Recording

SLOW SHUTTER (Low Shutter Speed)

The SLOW SHUTTER function works in CAMERA mode only.

The shutter speed can be controlled, allowing you to record slow moving objects.

1. Set the power switch to CAMERA mode.

2. Press the SLOW SHUTTER button.

3. Each time you press the SLOW SHUTTER button, SHUTTER SPEED is changed to


1/25, 1/13, 1/6, off.


4. To exit, press the SLOW SHUTTER button.


When using "SLOW SHUTTER" the image takes on a slow motion like effect.

The SLOW SHUTTER function will not operate in EASY mode.


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Samsung VP-D107I manual Slow Shutter Low Shutter Speed