Samsung WF70F5E0W4W/AD, WW70J3283KW1LE, WW80J6410CW/LE, WW80J6410CW/AH manual Drošības informācija

Models: WW60J3083LW/LE WW70J3283KW1EF WF70F5E0W4W/AD WF60F4E0N0W/LE WF70F5E0N2W/LE WW60J3283LW/EG WW80J6410CW/AH WF70F5E0W4W/EF WF60F4E0N2W/LE WW60J3283LW/LE WW80J3483KW/EF WW60J3280LW/LE WW80J6410CW/LE WW70J3283KW1LE WW60J3080LW1LE WW80J3483KW/LE WF70F5E0W4W/WS WF80F5E0N2W/LE WW80J3283KW/AD WW80J3283KW/LE

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Uzglabājiet visus iepakojuma materiālus bērniem neaizsniedzamā vietā, jo tie var būt bīstami.

Ja bērns uzmauc maisu galvā, tas var nosmakt.

Ja iekārta, strāvas kontaktdakša vai strāvas vads ir bojāts, sazinieties ar tuvāko tehniskās apkopes centru.

Šai iekārtai ir jābūt pareizi iezemētai.

Neiezemējiet iekārtu pie gāzes pievades caurules, plastmasas ūdens caurules vai tālruņa līnijas.

Tas var izraisīt elektrošoku, ugunsgrēku, sprādzienu vai izstrādājuma darbības traucējumus.

Nekad nespraudiet strāvas vadu sienas kontaktligzdā, kas nav pareizi iezemēta, un pārliecinieties, ka tā atbilst vietējiem un starptautiskajiem noteikumiem.

Neuzstādiet šo iekārtu tuvu apsildes ierīcēm vai viegli uzliesmojošiem materiāliem.

Neuzstādiet šo iekārtu mitrās, taukainās vai putekļainās vietās, kā arī vietās, kas pakļautas tiešai saules staru vai ūdens (lietus) iedarbībai.

Neuzstādiet šo iekārtu vietā, kurā tā var tikt pakļauta zemām temperatūrām.

Sals var izraisīt cauruļu plīsumus.

Neuzstādiet šo iekārtu vietā, kurā tā var tikt pakļauta gāzes noplūdei.

Tas var izraisīt elektrošoku vai ugunsgrēku.

Neizmantojiet elektrības transformatoru.

Tas var izraisīt elektrošoku vai ugunsgrēku.

Neizmantojiet bojātu strāvas kontaktdakšu, strāvas vadu vai vaļīgu sienas kontaktligzdu.

Tas var izraisīt elektrošoku vai ugunsgrēku. Pārmērīgi nevelciet vai nelociet strāvas vadu. Nesavijiet vai nesieniet strāvas vadu mezglā.

Nekariniet strāvas vadu uz metāla priekšmetiem un nenovietojiet uz tā smagus priekšmetus – tā vietā ievietojiet strāvas vadu starp priekšmetiem vai iebīdiet to aiz iekārtas tam paredzētajā vietā.

Tas var izraisīt elektrošoku vai ugunsgrēku.

Nevelciet aiz strāvas vada strāvas kontaktdakšas atvienošanas laikā.

Atvienojiet to, turot aiz strāvas kontaktdakšas.

Šo prasību neievērošana var izraisīt elektrošoku vai ugunsgrēku.

6  Latviešu

WW3000J-03581A-03 (SEPM)_LV (LE)_150424.indd 6

2015-04-24 ￿￿ 7:38:35

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Samsung WF70F5E0W4W/AD, WW70J3283KW1LE, WW80J6410CW/LE, WW80J6410CW/AH, WF60F4E0N2W/LE, WW80J3283KW/LE Drošības informācija

WW60J3083LW/LE, WW70J3283KW1EF, WF70F5E0W4W/AD, WF60F4E0N0W/LE, WF70F5E0N2W/LE specifications

The Samsung WW80J6410CW/LE and WW80J6413EW/LE are advanced washing machines designed to offer efficiency, performance, and convenience for modern households. Both models boast an impressive array of features that make laundry day simpler, faster, and more effective.

At the core of these machines is Samsung's EcoBubble technology, which allows for effective cleaning even at low temperatures. This is achieved by generating bubbles that dissolve detergent quickly, ensuring it penetrates fabrics and cleans deeply, reducing energy consumption and preserving the quality of clothing.

The WW80J6410CW/LE and WW80J6413EW/LE also come with a generous 8 kg capacity, making them ideal for families or those who do frequent laundry. The larger drum size means fewer loads and greater efficiency, saving time and energy. The machines have a maximum spin speed of 1400 RPM, which helps to remove more moisture from clothes, resulting in shorter drying times.

Samsung's Digital Inverter Motor is another highlight of these washing machines. This technology contributes to quieter operation and is designed to be more energy-efficient than traditional motors. Additionally, the motor comes with a 10-year warranty, providing users with peace of mind regarding the machine's long-term reliability.

Both models are equipped with a range of washing programs to cater to diverse fabric types and laundry needs. Options include additional cycles for delicate fabrics, wool, and sportswear, ensuring that every garment receives the specialized care it requires. The machines also feature a quick wash option that allows users to clean lightly soiled clothes in as little as 15 minutes, which is perfect for those on-the-go moments.

Smart Check technology is a standout feature that allows users to troubleshoot issues via a smartphone app, minimizing the inconvenience of unexpected breakdowns. This smart monitoring system can identify and diagnose problems, offering solutions directly through the app.

Lastly, these models are designed with energy efficiency in mind, boasting high energy ratings that not only help the environment but also reduce utility bills. With a blend of innovation, thoughtful design, and user-friendly features, the Samsung WW80J6410CW/LE and WW80J6413EW/LE are excellent choices for anyone looking to upgrade their laundry experience. Whether you prioritize energy savings, performance, or convenience, these washing machines deliver on all fronts.