
30 Photo, Video & Audio Playback

Viewing Photos/Videos/Audios on the LCD Screen

To view your photos and video files on the LCD screen:

1.Turn the Mode Dial to Playback mode. The most recent photo or Video/Audio clip is displayed.

2.Use the Left/Right navigation buttons to scroll through Photos/Videos/Audios.

3.Press the OK button to begin playback of a Video/Audio clip.

4.Press the Left/Right navigation buttons at any time during playback to skip to the previous/next Photos/Videos/Audios.

5.Press the OK button and press the Left/Right navigation buttons to fast-rewind/fast-forward during Video/Audio playback.

6.Press the OK button at any time during playback to pause the Video/Audio.

7.After the video clip finishes playing, the LCD screen displays the first frame of the clip.

Viewing M-Burst Photos

To view your multi-burst photos on the LCD screen:

1.Turn the Mode Dial to Playback mode. The most recent photo or Video/Audio clip is displayed.

2.Use the Left/Right navigation buttons to scroll through photos.

3.When reviewing a multi-burst image, it will be displayed from the 1st frame to the 16th frame at 2 frames/per second like a slideshow.

4.To stop the M-Burst slideshow, press Left/Right navigation buttons and skip to the previous/ next image.

Listening to Audio Files

To listen to audio files:

1.Turn the Mode Dial to Playback mode. The most recent photo, audio or video clip is displayed.

2.Use the Left/Right navigation buttons to scroll through the files.

3.Press the OK button to begin playback of an audio file.

4.Press the Left/Right navigation buttons at any time during playback to skip to the previous/next audio file.

Viewing Photos/Videos/Audios on the LCD Screen