Pin layout

1Brake coil (–)

2Brake coil (+)

3Drive coil (+)

4Drive coil (–)

Rewiring the lens cable in the lens iris plug

1Prepare the lens cable.

Cut the cable at the plug, then remove approx. 8 mm of the cable sheath and strip about 2 mm from each wire.

2Install the lens iris plug.

Solder the cable to the pins following the correct pin layout (refer to the table and illustrations), then close the plug cover.

Compatible auto-iris lenses (1/3 inch COSMICAR DC type lens)

Standard angle, f= 8 mm (TS812E Equivalent)

Wide angle, f= 4 mm (TS412E Equivalent)

Ultra-wide angle, f= 2.8 mm (TS212E Equivalent)