Saving and Printing ImagesSaving an Image1Click on the toolbar.2Specify the folder, filename, and file type, and click [Save].

Image data is saved as a still image.

File type:

Bitmap or JPEG can be selected.

Printing an Image

1Click on the toolbar.

2Check the print conditions and click [OK].bDisplaying a title on the printed image

1Click [File] [Title Input] on the menu bar.

Up to 10 set titles are stored. Stored titles can be selected from the pull-down menu.

2Enter a title in the [Title Input] screen and click [OK].

Date and Time Display SettingsSetting the Date Format1Select [View] [Date Display Format] on the menu bar.2Select the display format and delimiter, and click [OK].Setting the Time Display Position

Select [View] [Time Display Position] on the menu bar and click the desired display position.