No LEDs are lit. Charger is not plugged in. Plug in.
AC outlet is not working. Plug in a lamp or other appliance to check to
see that the outlet is working.
Red LED continues to flash Battery voltage is less than one volt. Battery may need to be replaced.
when battery is connected. Suggestion: Use charger provided with vehicle
to bring voltage above one volt. Charge for the
recommended number of hours as listed in the
vehicle instruction manual.
Connection to battery is bad. Remove and reconnect connectors. Inspect
and clean terminals on battery and charger.
Circuit Breaker is open on charger. Wait a few minutes for circuit breaker to
reconnect (see Circuit Breaker Section).
Battery may be defective.
Fuse (if so equipped) on battery is Replace fuse with same type and amperage
open. rating.
Internal circuit breaker (if so equipped) Replace and recycle battery if breaker is
on battery is open. permanently open.
The green LED does not flash after The battery is very depleted or sulfated. Continue charging.
90 minutes.
The red LED is on while the green This is normal. Battery will continue Continue charging.
LED is flashing. to charge until complete.
The red LED is rapidly flashing. The charger detected a fault condition Replace and recycle the battery.
while charging the battery.
Shortened ride times. Normal under some conditions. Ride times vary depending on the type of car,
type of terrain, weight of rider, speed setting,
Battery is nearing end of life. Replace and recycle the battery.
Battery will not take a charge. Battery is sulfated, shorted or damaged. Replace and recycle the battery.
A new battery will not take a charge. Battery self discharged while on the Replace or return the battery.
store shelf and may be sulfated. Suggestion: Repeat charging or use the wall
pack charger supplied with the vehicle for the
first charge. Charge for the recommended
number of hours as listed in the vehicle
instruction manual.
The charger is making a humming This is normal. Continue charging.
or pulsing sound.
If you are unable to correct the problem using the troubleshooting chart, contact Customer Service at 1-800-621-5485.
The battery charger is designed to work automatically. However, If a problem does occur, check the following: