18 IPG User’s Guide 717865 Rev B
Ordering Pay-Per-View, ContinuedCanceling a PPV Order
You can cancel an order from the General Settings menu. Perform the following steps to
cancel a PPV order.
1. Press the SETTINGS key twice.
2. At the General Settings menu, press the UP or DOWN arrows to highlight
PPV: Purchases; then, press the SELECT key.
3. Enter your PPV PIN, if required.
4. Press the UP or DOWN arrows to highlight Pending; then, press the SELECT key.
Result: The IPG displays a list of events that you have ordered.
5. Press the UP or DOWN arrows to highlight the program you want to cancel; then,
press the SELECT key.
6. Press the A key to confirm the cancellation.
Result: The order is canceled.
7. Press EXIT to return to watching TV.
Changing Your PPV PIN
You can change your PPV PIN from the General Settings menu. Perform the following
steps to change your PPV PIN.
1. Press the SETTINGS key twice.
2. At the General Settings menu,
press the UP or DOWN arrows
to highlight PPV: PIN.
3. Press the SELECT key.
4. Press the UP or DOWN arrows
to highlight Change.
5. Press the SELECT key.
6. Enter your CURRENT PIN.
7. Enter your NEW PIN.
8. Reenter your new PIN for
9. Press the EXIT key to return to
watching TV.