Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 243
12.13.13 Informational Exceptions Control page (1Ch)
The Informational Exceptions Control page (see Table 158) defines the methods used by the target to control
the reporting and the operations of specific informational exception conditions. This page only applies to infor-
mational exceptions that report an additional sense code of Failure Prediction Threshold Exceeded to the
application client.
Mode page 1Ch may be used by the drive to implement the S.M.A.R.T. system. S.M.A.R.T. is an acronym for
Self-monitoring Analysis and reporting Technology. The intent of the S.M.A.R.T. system is to recognize condi-
tions that indicate imminent drive failure, and provide sufficient warning to the host system of impending failure.
Informational exception conditions occur as the result of vendor specific events within a target. An information
exception condition may occur asynchronous to any commands issued by an application client.
Field definitions (listed alphabetically)
DExcpt (Disable Exception Control)
0 Information exception operations are enabled and the Method of Reporting Informational Exceptions field
determines the reporting of information exception conditions.
1 Information exception operations are disabled by target and the Method of Reporting Informational Excep-
tions field is ignored.
0 The target shall disable reporting of the warning of temperature limit exceeded.
1 The target shall enable reporting of the warning of temperature limit exceeded.
Interval Timer
Indicates the period (in 100 millisecond increments) for reporting that an informational exception condition has occurred.
The target does not report informational exception conditions more frequently than the time specified by the Interval Timer
field and as soon as possible after the timer interval has elapsed. After the informational exception condition has been
reported, the Interval Timer is restarted.
0 Target only reports the informational exception condition one time.
FFFFFFFFh Timer interval is vendor specific.
Maintaining of the Interval Timer field’s access power cycle and/or reset by the target is vendor specific.
LogErr (Log Errors)
0 The logging of informational exception conditions within a target is vendor specific.
1 The target logs informational exception conditions.
Table 158: Informational Exceptions Control page (1Ch)
0 PS Reserved Page Code (1Ch)
1Page Length (0Ah)
2 Perf EWasc Reserved DExcpt Test Reserved LogErr
3Reserved MRIE
4 (MSB)
: Interval Timer
8 (MSB)
: Report Count
11 (LSB)