Technical support services
If you need assistance installing your drive, consult your dealer.
Your dealer is familiar with system configurations and can help
you with system conflicts and other technical issues.
If you need additional assistance with your Seagate drive or other
Seagate products, you can call SeaBOARD ®
, SeaFAX®
, Seagate
Technical Support F AX, SeaFONE ®
or SeaTDD. Seagate tech-
nical support is also available on CompuServe and through the
Using a modem, you can access documentation, drive speci-
fications and jumper settings for S eagate’s entire product line.
You can also download software for installing and analyzing
your drive.
SeaBOARD is available 24 hours daily. It supports communi-
cations up to 9,600 baud. Set your communications s oft war e
to eight data bits, no parity and one stop bit (8-N-1). Sea-
BOARD phone numbers are listed in the following table.
Location Modem number
United States 408-438-8771
England 44-1-62-847-8011
France (+33 1) 48 25 35 95
Germany 49-89-140-9331
Singapore 65-292-6973
Thailand 662-531-8111
Australia 61-2-756-2359
Korea 82-2-556-7294
Marathon 810 Installation Guide, February 1996 19