Before you can run the Disk M anager softwar e you m ust transfer
it from your new hard disc onto a blank, bootable diskette in drive
A of your computer (the program can only be run from drive A) .
Creating a blank bootable diskette1. Boot your computer using a b oo t ab le DO S sy stem diskette
or bootable hard drive that contains th e DOS program
Note. You must use a single version of DOS throughout the
installation and configuration process.
2. Type format a: /s th en pre ss ENTER.
3. Follow the instructions on the screen: Insert a new 1.4-Mbyte
diskette into drive A, and then press ENTER. The formatting
process may take several minutes.
Transferring the Disk Manager softwareNote. Before you can transfer your Disk Manager software, you
must set all jumpers, attach all cables, and mount your
drive in the computer, as described o n pages 2 through 5.
1. Reboot your computer using the blank, bootable diskette on
which you plan to store the Disk Manager software.
2. Run your computer’s system setup program (sometimes
called BIOS or CMOS setup). See your computer or mother-
board manual for system-specific instructions.
3. Within the system setup program, configure your new hard
drive as Drive Type 2, or enter the following values for a
user-definable drive type: 615 cylinders, 4 heads, and 17
sectors per track.
Note. These settings are temporary. They allow you to access
the drive-support software on your new hard disc.
6 Marathon 810 Installation Guide, February 1996