Sears 2500 manual Service hints, Body, Summer Shut Down, Fall Start UP

Models: 2500

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*Reveme buttonif it has not been used.

Replace with new buttonif bothsides are worn.


Unplug transformer,close saddle valve, close bypass damper. CLEAN PER ABOVE AND LEAVE RESERVOIR EMPTY. (As a

reminder, you may want to put a tag or sticker on the unit indi-

cating it has been shut down for the summer and will require start up in the fall.)


Plug in transformer, open saddle valve, open bypass damper and sat humidistatto TEST position.Check for proper water level and media wheel operation. Set humidistataccordingto outdoortemperatureas instructedon label.


If the humidifier has been overflowing, the float valve button may be worn. This button will wear much like a faucet washer. To service:

1.Disengage quick disconnect.

2.Remove float from humidifier (pull out pivot pin).

3.Service float as shown in illustration at left.

4.Reinstall and test float.

service hints

Frequently what seems to be a major problem can be solved very easily. Listed below are the common concerns with any humidifier.

Check the simple things first. Remove the front panel and see if there is a crusty, white lime build-up on the media pad. The lime build- up won'thurt the humidifier, but will reduce its output. Low output might just mean your humidifier needs cleaning. While you're chocking for lime build-up, look to see if the media wheel is turning. If not, check the power supply.


Too little


Too much




Humidifier Making Noise


Comes On When

Furnace Isn't



1.Does humidifierneed cleaning.

2.Is media wheel rotating?


4.Water to unit.

5.Excessive air loss in house.

6.Is water level correct?

7.Is damper open?

1.Humidistat setting.

2.Other humidification sources.

1.Is humidifier level?

2.Float valve.

3.Air flow too high.

1.Mounting or plenum.

2.Water pressure.

3.Media Wheel.

This is a normal condition

1.If heating season is over.

2.If heating season is just starting.


1.Clean humidifier and clean or replace media pad and reservoir liner.

2.a. Clean or replace media pad.

b.Check to see if transformer is properly plugged in.

c.Inspect main fuse or circuit breaker.

d.Check to see if media motor is rotating.

e.Humidistat setting too low, turn knob clockwise to increase humidity.

3.Set for proper outdoor temperature - lowest 24-hour temperature.

4.Turn on saddle valve and check for possible obstruction in water line. Is water supply connected?

5.Close fireplace damper, seal around doors and windows.

6.Adjust float.

7.Slide damper out for winter operation.

1.Turn knob counterclockwise to decrease humidity.

2.May be a temporary condition caused by moisture from laundering, bathing, cooking, etc.

1.Level unit.

2.Service as shown in Fig. 23.

3.Adjust damper.

1.Tighten all fasteners.

2.A slight sound is normal as water enters humidifier.

3.Check clearance of media wheel in reservoir.

1.Turn knob on humidistat to minimum setting.

2.This is a normal condition since humidistat is controlling humidifier.


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Sears 2500 manual Service hints, Body, Summer Shut Down, Fall Start UP, HumidifierMotor Comes On When Furnace Isnt Running